Chapter 6: The Journal Seo-Youngs POV July 18th

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We've been driving for almost a day, stopping occasionally for gas and to gather essentials and I still can't help but think about Doryans baby brother, the poor thing he was so young I mean we all are I'm the oldest of the group so far at age 23 Doryan the youngest at 16 poor little guy. I honestly don't know what I would do if something like that would happen to my sister. Porce keeps telling us all she has a plan but she won't really share much more than that. "Can you at least give us an indication of where we're driving." My sister says raising her eyebrows at Porce in a questioning manner. "It's not like we can drive to American. We need a boat or a pilot and driving aimlessly through Russia isn't gonna get us anywhere." She said in a singing type tone almost as if she's mocking her. "No, but getting to the Poland coast could," Porce says confidently as she stopping the car she's getting a little better at driving. She gets out of the car and grabs her bag from the back and then returns to the hood of the car motioning for us to get out which Doryan and I do with no question. My sister, however, gives her a look of annoyance before joining us with a roll of her eyes. Which results in me slapping her arm a bit. What am I gonna do with her? Porce pulls her map out, spreads it on the hood and it begins projecting "Now I do have a plan but first things first we need to get to America and like Soo-Min said we need a boat. Lucky for us my father used to work in the harbor" Porce rolls her shoulders and turns to the side, her eyes glued to the map, "and I remembered that just before he died and the war began that the government moved all major ships to Poland's main harbor. Now I've never been here before and neither have the rest of you. For all we know we could be running straight into a war zone so we need to be careful and trust one another, everyone understands?" Porce explains to us and we all nod along with her. She gives us a time table of when we should arrive and after that, I start a fire, Soo-Min cooks us all a breakfast of canned goods.Once we get there we move into the big building quickly but cautiously no more but a few inches between us. "So this place was an old navy base?" Doryan whispers at Porce as we get inside Porce nods before responding. "Hey guys I think I got something," Min says she's bent under a desk in a corner she stands back up with a journal but before we can go further a loud bang from somewhere in the building makes us all jump. "Maybe we should review everything in the car," Doryan says, his voice shaking a little. We all nod before running back to the car. Once we get back outside Soo-Min opens the journal. "Porce was right once the war got really bad they started moving all resources toward the capital according to some notes in here," Soo-Min says as she gets in the sitting on Parks tail, making him yelp in pain before jumping into Doryan's arms."Alright then to the harbor we go," Porce says, starting the car. I look over to my sister to see her reading the journal intently. I decide it's best to leave her be."Hey, Doryan?" I call out and he turns toward me with a curious look on his face."Yea? Can I maybe play with your Rubix cube?" He looks at me shocked and then hesitant, biting his lower lip a little "Oh don't worry about me finishing it I've been doing them since I was a kid and I've only been able to do the white side." That puts him a little at ease and he reaches into his bag and hands me the cube."Don't go messing up my side now." Porce says looking back at me in the mirror I smile and get to work moving the pieces around the rest of the ride is in peaceful silence. When we get there Porce pullover in a spot under the docks "Ok if this is still where the Russian soldiers are operating it's probably best if not all of us go in Soo-Min you have weapons and know how to use them right?" Porce asks my sister. Who gives her the most duh face ever. Porce ignores it "Ok so you and I go in and find a boat big enough for the four of us and for the car." Before Doryan or I could argue my sister pulls a pistol out of her pocket and cocks it."Got it." She says exiting the car Porce following behind. Doryan and I just stare at each other in shocked silence. After a second though panic runs through me I start looking out the windows of the car for them. I feel my breathing pick up."Seo-Young relax okay, breath." Doryan says climbing into the back seat and grabbing my shoulders "Breathe" he says taking a deep breath I follow in suit once my breath is back to normal. The door opens suddenly making us both scream and jump away. We turn to see Porce and Soo-Min giving use very bored expressions. "We got lucky looks like all the soldiers have been shipped out but they left a couple of boats behind," Porce says."One is just barley gonna fit us and the car but it should work." Soo-Min finishes "Get out of my spot," She says looking at Doryan he nods quickly getting out and climbing back into his seat upfront. Porce maneuvers the car onto the dock and then on the boat."Question" Doryan says raising his arm in the air we all look at him "Do any of us actually know how to drive a boat?" he asks."Actually I think I might." my sister says softly running her hand against the journal she's been reading.

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