Chapter 29: Her injuries SOO-MIN POV

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The minute I heard say the full English translation of my name I'm annoyed and in pain but I don't think that's the name. The explosonie must have been pretty bad considering my head and that I can hardly leg "Don't call me that." I say my voice cracking terribly my eyes open slowly and my vision is blurry meaning I must have been out for a few days at least. My vision is finally adjusted to see my sister and Xander looking down at me both shock and relief on their faces. "Do I want to know what happened or has it already been handled." I don't get an answer so much as my sister screaming at the top of her lungs.

"SHE'S AWAKE SOO-MINS AWAKE! WAKE UP EVERYONE SOO-MINS AWAKE!" she screamed making everyone else jump awake the others looking around. The next thing I know I'm crowded by everyone asking if im ok or if I'm in a lot of pain. I just roll my eyes at them all before I sit up and rub my eyes and face trying to wake up fully. "BLOSSOM YOU LAY BACK DOWN THIS INSTANT!" My sister screams at me making me jump.

"Seo relax I'm fine--" I'm interrupted not by her but Xander.

"She's right Soo-Min you need rest. Your still hurt and we still have a long way to go. Right now our best bet is to get as must rest as possible Russia may have been hard to deal with but I have a feeling it's going to be nothing compared to what Korea's leader has in store for us al. The attack was just a first step." Xander says to us all offer me his arms to sleep in which I take I give up on arguing mainly because my head is still pounding. It doesn't take me long to fall back asleep in his arms given how weak I still am.


When I awake again Porce is driving through the city and In lying down across the boys laps Parks snuggling down on my stomach. "Ok time to gather more resources." Porce says stopping the car and everyone starts to pile out one by one. When I try to follow however I'm stopped by Porce. "No no not you Min you stay in the car." She says usering me back in. I give her a glare and I get out of the car.

"I'm fine Porce I can help. I'm not entirely useless" I say even though my leg feels like jello when I try to walk. I somehow make my way to the building it looked like one of the gorgy stores that I had marked on the maps or at least that's what I remember. The building or what's left of it looks like it was hit by a tornado rather than a bomb. Strange but it looks like the cans of food are still intact luckily there's quite a bit so in terms of resources we shouldn't need food for a while. After grabbing a few cans of food I headed back to the car where I see my sister and Porce looking at a map on the hood of the car. "Ok so we're about halfway to the base it should be a week tops as long as nothing else major happens. Once we finish get the food the next stop shouldn't be for another few hours." She says making some notes on the map.

"Good Ok let's get moving then. BOYS LETS MOVE!" my sister shouts making me jump. I don't remember her being so serious before all this happened. The boys join us by the car. Filling our bags with food they've scavenged.

"Should be enough for a while." Doryan says grabbing Parks from the front seat so he can sit down. "We moving now?" Porce nods and we gather back in the car. It feels like everytime I get in this car it gets smaller I think to myself as I settle in my usual spot with Xander. Porce keeps driving for a few more hours which is when the storm starts. God I haven't seen rain in years as we drive Porce seems to be less confident in her driving ability. Finally I decided to speak up.

"Hey Porce are you--" before I can finish the car stops. Oh god that's not good.

"Ok no one panic it's probably nothing serious but in the meantime we should find cover from the storm. Seo-Young hand me the map please?" My sister hands it to her and she starts to look for a location. "Ok there's supposed to be an old farm not far from here but we can't leave the car and it won't start so we'll have to push it. In the rain. But we've been through worse." So let's go she says getting out of the car and we all follow immediately getting soaking wet. We each take a spot on the car "Start pushing it's not that far." We try but it's hard to do anything the rain is so thick and heavy that none of us can see. We all push as hard as we can and right as Porce calls out "Almost there just a little more." I hear a snap and I fall. Uh oh.

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