Chapter 11: Washington D.C. Doryan POV August 30th

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The White House, a big tall building that has the sole purpose of protecting the U.S. president is about to be broken into by a group of five teens and a twenty-three year old, and we are not gonna die! Probably! Porce pulled the car over. We all get out and gather around the hood where Porce has set up the map projection "Ok this is the most recent floor plan of the White House from the bottom view. Lucky for us they don't really modernize the classic buildings here" Porce explains more so to me than anyone. To me the floor plan looks like a bunch of squares and rectangles but they're all connected and labeled kinda like an old board game I used to play with my family called clue.

"So the good news is we have that we think will work getting inside." Porce says.

"The bad news is that once we're inside they're are a few different ways this could go." We need to be ready for anything. Soo-Min finishes.

"But first things first although the floor plan hasn't changed in almost forever the security measures have. So with the additional security we also have sensors that can detect movement within a mile radius. There are also soldiers placed at mile checkpoints within a three mile radius, so in order to get into the building itself we have to deactivate the sensors." she pauses to move the map to a different part of the capital. "To deactivate the sensor and avoid as many soldiers as possible we'll have to cause a full black out for at least thirty mintues. We'll also need a distraction to get the majority of the guards Ideally almost all of them away from the house. Our initial strategy once we're in is Dorya and Laurens idea we'll attempt to reason with her if we can not, we do have a plan B." She says motioning to Soo-Min who nods at her, before talking.

"Plan B is this." she says holding up what looks to be a simple flash drive. "This flash drive contains a virus that will blow all of America's technology, weapons and resources. It will take up to a couple days to fully integrate into their system but they shouldn't be able to detect it in their system so the only way they could potentially stop it is to shut down their network completely which would leave them vulnerable to the enemy. In short it will force them out of the war and all we would have to do is plug it into any computer in the White House all of them will work luckily all but one internet network was destroyed in America during the war."

We all look back to Porce to see her map projection somewhere kinda random. "A mcdonalds?" I ask the confusion evidently clearly in my voice.

"It was the only place that still stands that's built to handle enough power to direct the power of the city to. Once the power blows we'll plant the device Soo-Min built into an abandoned building on the right side of the mile radius so that way we'll hopefully ensure that the attention is as far away from the entry point as possible."

"What's the device?" Laurens asks before Porce can move on.

"Essentially a bomb but it's not anything too dangerous it's made to distract not kill." Soo-Min says simply. She must have seen the confusion still on my face because she turns to me placing her hand on my shoulder. "Big boom, lots of fire, no death." her voice is a little softer. I nod along, ignoring the fact that she is talking to me like I'm five years old. Porce smirks and laughs a little but before she can continue Xander interrupts.

"How do you know how to make a bomb?" Xander asks Soo-Min, looking down at her, his gaze softer than when he was looking at the rest of us. I think someone has a crush. My eyes shift to Soo-Min whose cheeks have turned a tad red. I think two people have a crush.

"Well I found a journal that belonged to a soldier who was how shall we say a 'Jack of all trades' he did research on anything a soldier would have to do including how to make an explosive distraction in order to escape. He was also well versed in America's networks which is how I was able to build the virus in a way that should make it harder to spot under the circumstances." Soo-Min explains to him, blushing a little more under his gaze.

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