Chapter 7: The Boat to America Porce POV July 21st

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"So the journal belonged to a Korean soldier from what he wrote. It looks like he was a technician spying on America's Technology in an attempt to find a way to disable it." Soo-Min explains as we make our way to the captain's box where the boat controls are located. "He wrote out how they controlled the ships though most of the smaller ones like this we're connected to the main ship's coordinates which made it similar to a self-driving car. Now if I can get into the GPS system I should be able to use your projection map set up to find a set of coordinates away from the capitol." She says as we reach the door. I open it to find a control room filled with monitors and buttons. I stare at everything confused Soo-Min however walks over to the controls confidently press buttons to cause the engine to start with a great roar and the boat shakes a bit. "Ok, I'll leave you to your work," I say as she moves to a monitor. "I had Doryan put the map in your bag. I'm sure you can figure out how to use it." I say walking out of the room slowly and back down towards the car where we left the others. I make my way down the hall placing my hand over my mother's ring on a chain I wear a nervous I picked up over the years "Porce!" A voice behind me says, making me jump straight into a wall. "Zhest! Seo-Young you scared me!" I scream at her and she gives me a guilty smile. "Sorry, Porce I just came to see if you wanted to help me cook dinner. Doryan is down in the kitchen waiting for us," she said turning back the way she came. I follow her down to where Doryan is emptying all the bags of food and whatever they must have found in the kitchen. Doryan and I watch as the sister moves through the kitchen making dinner and it's pretty quiet besides the occasional meow from Parks "Hey, Porce what does Zhest mean you yelled when I scared you earlier you ?""Oh, Zhest is something you say when you're surprised or scared," Doryan states a little too enthusiastically. Seo nods in understanding while passing out dinner."Alright, guys I've set the coordinates and the GPS says that we should get to our location within 30 days. Which should give us enough time to research America's current state so that we can develop our plan." I nod at her in agreement. "Ok then let's all get some rest tomorrow we get to work." ******************************************************************* We've been on the boat for about two weeks now working, Soo-Min is warming up to us I think. Seo and Doryan are getting really close. I think she reminds him of a mother I guess. It's extremely early. I'm sipping on some coffee trying to keep familiarity with the areas in America. Looks like their defense worked well most builds are untouched besides the ash that's covering them. My thoughts are interrupted when Soo-Min enters the room heading straight to the coffee. Over the last couple of weeks I noticed that she hardly sleeps if ever another thing I suppose we have in common."Sleep well?" I ask her politely. She gives me a look before asking. I grin pleased with my joke. Before sliding over some bacon for her. We have to ration carefully so we each only get small portions. Within the hour, we are joined by Doryan and Seo parks between them. "From what I've heard over the American military channel their planning on opening their bunkers within the next few weeks by the time we get there everyone should be out and in waystations getting relocated." she pauses with a sigh "If for whatever your planning we need more people the way station North of the Dock is the best option," She says bringing up the location on the map it projecting in the middle of the table. I nod in response."What or who exactly are we looking for?" Dorya asks. "I have an idea of what we need. It's more a matter of who would be willing."I don't expect us to be as lucky as we got the first time when we meet the two of you." I say motioning to the sisters. "But then again who knows sometimes people are thrown into your life for a reason.' I say my eyes shifting toward Soo-Min eyebrows raised************************************************************** After another fifteen days on the Ocean, we hit American soil. The docks are filled with people and boats coming and going. Soo-Min managed to slip us in nice and easy. The rest of us got the car ready to move. I somehow managed my way around all the people and toward the station which is ten times bigger than the one that was in Russia. This might take longer than I thought. "We should split up." Soo-Min suggests being pushed around by the people around her. I nod in agreement, grabbing Doryan who holds Parks in his arms."We'll meet back at the car." Soo-Min shouts over the crowd trying to shove her way to her sister.Doryan and I get through the crowd and start to evaluate. " Are you finally gonna tell me what exactly we are looking for?" Doryan asks. I shake my head standing on my toes trying to get a better look."Soo-Min knows the specifics just try and help me look for guys around our age." Doryan gives me a look."Yea that's real specific Porce." He says as someone runs into him. I turn to see the sisters. "Soo-Min thinks she got some candidates there over towards the car in the middle of the people on the left. The two boys." Seo-Young says pointing out two taller guys but even on my toes I can get a good look. "Come on this way Seo- Young says pushing Doryan ahead and pulling me behind her. After many elbows to the gut and tripping over feet we make it to Soo-Min who is on a large piece of rubble."The guy on the right has a Tech backpack. Left looks like he has a good body type, probably athletic and an average strength index." Soo-Min says, looking at Porce. "They look the most promising." "So what you're saying is I almost got trampled on while you 're checking out guys." Doryan says, trying to catch his breath. Soo-Min gives him a look "Alright Seo your the most approachable you should probably be the one to introduce yourself." Min explains to more so herself than us."Alright! Let's go get some allies!" Doryan says to enthusiastically making the rest of us cringe a little as we make our way through the crowd again."You guys need some help?" Seo finally asks."So the journal belonged to a Korean soldier from what he wrote. It looks like he was a technician spying on America's Technology in an attempt to find a way to disable it." Soo-Min explains as we make our way to the captain's box where the boat controls are located. "He wrote out how they controlled the ships though most of the smaller ones like this we're connected to the main ship's coordinates which made it similar to a self-driving car. Now if I can get into the GPS system I should be able to use your projection map set up to find a set of coordinates away from the capitol." She says as we reach the door. I open it to find a control room filled with monitors and buttons. I stare at everything confused Soo-Min however walks over to the controls confidently press buttons to cause the engine to start with a great roar and the boat shakes a bit.

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