Chapter 27: One Down DORYANS POV

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My eyes open slowly and my head throbs. "Ow" I say sitting up "What happened?" My eyes shift to a beeping monitor connected to Soo-Min.

"Doryan you lay back down this insite." Seo yells barging into the room the other behind her I jump and slowly lay back down Parks jumps on me as does Porce. "You had us all so worried." Seo says placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Worried? Did I miss something? Why would you be worried and what happened to Soo-Min?" I ask. Porce pulls away quickly a look of confusion crosses her face and she looks towards the others.

"It must have happened when the bomb went off you must have hit your head. Do you remember anything that happened the night you and Soo-Min kept watch." I think back to that night trying to remember what happened.

"I remember planning our next move and then talking to Soo-Min about something. I can't quite remember what though and then there was beeping and Soo-min yelled and shoved me. Then everything went black." I concluded. Porce and the others nod along and I pick up Parks who cuddles into my chest which I smile slightly at.

"Ok Laurens take Doryan downstairs for so more food. I need to look over Soo-Min's results for the day." Porce says letting Laurens take me down to the kitchen.

"You had me scared there for a bit." Laurens tell me as he gets some of our food out of our bag. Before sitting down at the table.

"Sorry" I replied with a small blush before sitting down next to him. He gives me a slight smile he places his hand on mine and our eyes meet. My blush grows more as he moves closer to me. Our faces moving closer that is until the door opens hitting Laurens in the back of the head.

"Am I interrupting something?" Xander asks us. Laurens and I look at each other and then shake our heads in unison. Well the girls are upstairs and Porce said were moving tomorrow so we all need to get as much rest as we can tonight. Laurens gets my food and nods at Xander. Xander nods back before leaving the room.

"Do you guys have some sort of telepathic connection or something?" I ask he chuckles a little at me before nodding a little. "Your worried about him?" I say as he sets down the food in front of me. He sighs and sits back down looking down obviously avoiding the question. "Hey what's going on?" he sighs again.

"I am worried about Xander well more so with how he's responding to what happened to Soo-Min. He's scared but wont show it. He really cares about her and now he thinks he may never get the opportunity to tell her just like I was." He says getting quieter towards the end of the sentence as if he's shying away from saying.

I smile at him grabbing his hand again, "Don't worry and Xander shouldn't either Porce is good at what she does and Soo-Min is the strongest person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. She'll be fine and I'm sure that it's only a matter time before shes back to her old self again." I say as I begin eating. I finish my food quickly and then Laurens and I start getting ready for bed. As we get settled I decide to go check on the girls. I make my way upstairs to see Seo help her sister take small sips of water.

"Her brain activity is getting more active it should only be a few more days" Porce says gently rubbing Seo-Youngs back gently to comfort her. She nods a little "Ok since she's so close we'll start moving tomorrow. Would you and the rest of the guys mind packing up the car." I nod "We start moving forward with your guys plan tomorrow."

 The boys managed to get the car packed up and are now move Soo-Min and my equipment downstairs and to the car we all pile in the boys in the back hold Soo-Min careful making sure her injuries don't increase thanks to her and Doryan a path has been laid out to the Koreans main place of operation they don't really have a capital so were having to go for their main source of military operations after their leader likes working close with the war. All the leaders were awful in the war but this guy was flat out crazy. God only knows what he would have down if a stalemate had not of happened. To be honest I'm worried about how hell react to Soo-Min and Seo-Young some of his own people turning against him. Hopefully it won't come to something like that.

We come to a gas station that was on the map marked by Doryan and Min the night we were attacked there should be some resources in here somewhere I send in the boys to search the place while I check Min Brain activity it's possible she's reached REM if she has then it would only be a few hours before she returns to us. I pray as I start to read her activity Soo-Min is one of the strongest players we have. We might not survive this without her I don't think Xander or Seo could survive losing her mentaly. As the EEG begins it's work Parks crawls from the front seat to the back looking at Soo-Min curiously "No REM waves detected" I shake my head a little to be honest i disappointed I really thought this time might be the one.

"Anything?" Xander asks me in a sad I shake my head a little and that's when I noticed Doryans puzzle beside parks who is pushing it towards Soo-Min the minute it touches her hand the EEG buzzes in my hand and says "REM activity detected BUZZ REM activity detected." My eyes shift back to Xander who has the biggest smile on his face, He lift her head up so he can get in the car and he shakes her a little. "Blossom it's gonna be okay. Your gonna be okay now I promise he says to her softly brushing her hair back every so often, The others return and we share the exciting news. Everyone's spirits are definitely up as we continue to make our way through the outskirts of town. After what feels like a lifetime a drive we managed to find some cover for the night. Let's just hope tomorrow is just as good as today was.

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