+1 The Beginning

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All it took was the last school bell to ring for all the students to flood down the corridors, raising their tests and assignments, yelling to teachers that they're free and had survived the months of months of months of schoolwork.

Brock sighed as he watched students crowding his only way out of the classroom and towards his friends, he pinched the bridge of his nose as he prepared himself for the upcoming pushes, once he enters the swarm of desperate students, struggling to breathe.

As he pushed through the tiny gap, his body was immediately squished and smushed. He kept his focus straight, trying to remember which way towards the exit when all he can see are bodies that were about to be pressed up against him again. He wiggled through the tiny gap, reaching out for something or someone when he squeezes through the tiny spaces, his hand was then held by someone and decided to drag him through the sweaty bodies. His mind raced when he thought of this person had mistaken him for another.

After a few minutes of being pull around, he somehow was now free from all the masses, finally breathing oxygen instead of carbon dioxide. He looked up to the person holding his wrist to see his good friend Tyler. "Finally! Out of that mess!" Tyler exclaimed as he let go of Brock's wrist and started stretching his arms once again, preparing for another leap into the crowd, Brock turned his head and looked at Brian confusingly who just sighed and scratched at the back of his head.

"Welp, Marcel here decided for Tyler and David to get us out of that packed-like-sardines building. And since the two of them are the tallest..." Brian coughed out loud while rolling his eyes in which Tyler just flicked him off. "They have a better chance of getting everyone out there quickly." Just as Brian finished explaining, David came out of the crowd holding a squirming Lui in his arms.

He then spots Brock and grinned, "Oh hey Brock! You're finally out!" He let go of Lui who just ooffed off the floor. The guy groaned before standing up and glaring at David, "You should've told me it was you, David!" He complained as he dusts off his clothes.

Sooner, Tyler came back out again with his hand wrapped around another, giving in one final pull, slowly but steady, Luke came out of the crowd with his hand held onto another, we watched as Tyler pull out Luke who then pulled out Ryan who then pulled out Jonathan who lastly pulled out Joe.

David gave a laugh as he gazed over the quad. "Daaang, I thought the chain would continue on." Ryan just gave out a chuckle before stretching his arms, he then glanced back over to where the Irishman was standing to only find that space empty. The four then turned their heads to Lui who just sighed and began explaining once again. Brock just stood there, watching to see whether Tyler and David would be coming out soon. Brian who had been sighing for the whole two minutes decided to slowly stand next to the vibrant-tank top boy. "Brock, hey, I was wonder-",

"AaaaallRiiiiighT!" All eight turned their heads and watched as their tallest friend came out with a shouting boy behind his back. Both charging in and nearly falling... The CanAsian jumped off of his back with a grin completely formed on his lips, Tyler just groaned, straightening his back when Marcel came up to him. "Where's Craig? Have you seen Craig?" The dark-toned boy asked, Tyler just let out a huff and pointed over the door of swarming students. No sooner, David came out towing a worried Craig who furiously apologized to all people whose feet he had accidentally stepped on.

Marcel sighed loudly as he then strode over the boy he had been waiting, pinching the bridge of his nose. All the eight boys began walking out of school, grinning to each other when suddenly Joe stopped. "I got an idea!" The freshman declared quite excitedly. Jonathan just grinned as he crossed his arms, "Oh yeah? What is it?" The blue-eyed male asked before the eleven guys started moving, silently following their excited friend. "Let's go spend our summer vacation on my brother's cabin!" He spoke making the other guys wonder. 'Would your brother even allow us to stay?" Evan asked before Joe nodded. "Of course! he does owe me a lot." Weighing all the possible fun outcomes, Evan decided to agree.

No sooner, the other guys began nodding their heads, giving approval to the idea of spending their summer on a cabin inside the woods. Besides, what could possibly go wrong?

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