+12 Let's Take A Moment and Think Back

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Let's Take A Moment and Think Back

The dinner was probably the most uncomfortable thing they had done in their whole life. Nothing but silverware against plates echoed within the room, no one had utter a word since the news.

Alone with his thoughts, Marcel had taken the couch for rest, not wanting to go back inside the room if it meant staying alone with Craig and Tyler. His eyes still closed, he felt a shift of movement besides him, a little grunt before a voice finally waking him up from his state. "Hey, Marcel," opening his eyes, Marcel was greeted with two glowing golden orbs staring right at him. Marcel let out a sigh, silently thanking the candles for offering enough light to see who those eyes belongs to. "Evan," The monkey spoke back, resting back against the couch. He could feel the owl took a deep breath by the shadows of his wings taking a stretch.

"So... What do you think? About Tyler's encounter?" Evan thought for a moment before answering, slowly folding the wings behind him, "I don't know... I mean, it's kinda suspicious that she just appears around him," Marcel took in the information, actually realizing that the statement is true... "That's... Yeah, it is weird." Chuckling Evan shook his head, "and for the 'answer', I guess it kinda makes sense..." Evan added, earning a look from Marcel, "what?–" "I mean, we all have our secrets. We all lied, back there with Jon, Ryan, and Luke, that was just a step. We all have to spill something out eventually," staring down on his palms, Marcel thought for a good amount of minutes to take in the explanation.

The door from upstairs creaked open showing Craig and Tyler coming out of their room, the pair caught sight of the two on the couch. Tyler gave Craig a little nudge, indicating for him to step up. The British sighed before tapping the African American on the shoulder, making Marcel whip his head and meeting a pair of blue eyes that had always made his heart rush, "Marcel? Can I talk with you for a moment?" The voice sent shivers down his spine and slowly, his mouth becoming dry before gazing away, "sure..."

Watching the two, Evan slowly glanced to the side to see the taller one already looking at him, his pig ears twitched slightly before crossing his arms, "then that leaves for the both of us to talk?" Evan chuckled nervously before he got forced to sit down.

David and Lui sat in silence inside their chosen room. Not saying a word and just the feeling of the their tails moving now and again, Lui was done fiddling with his thumb after taking a deep breath before turning around to face David.



The two stared at each other for a while, realising that the two of them had spoken at the same time. David chuckled before settling himself completely in front of Lui. "I'll let you go first," he spoke, watching the gears inside the monkey's head turn. "I think... That we should tell them already," Lui finally finished. A bit scared of what David's reaction is going to be, but to his surprise, he was wrapped around in a tight yet gentle hug. "I agree Lui, we should." The Irish breathed on his shoulder, a smile tugged on Lui's lips while his tail gently pat David's head.

"Tyler, what are you talking about?!" The white fluffy tail violently wagged, two ears pointed up. Craig and Tyler were have a discussion about the possible solution and it eventually lead up to Tyler retelling Craig about what Marcel had said. "The guy's heartbroken and he kept pushing me to date you! What is it that you can't understand??" Tyler snorted at the pup, crossing his arms.

Craig just sat there, a frown was placed upon his lips while he tried to process the words his best friend just told him. "But you do know I like–" Tyler sighed, cutting the boy off, "yes Craig. I know. But Marcel doesn't. That is why you have to tell him, it might also be the solution for this abomination of a mess!" He gestured to his curly pig tail. Pushing his glasses up, Craig eventually agreed on Ty's conclusion. I mean, it's a win-win for them if it does work.

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