+11 A Foolish Lie for A Worth It Truth

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A Foolish Lie for A Worth It Truth

The Truth will set you free...

Those words echoed inside his head as he and Marcel made their way back into the cabin. Still pondering his thoughts, he stopped on his tracks whilst he slowly turn the gears in his head. "Tyler..." Marcel broke the teen's thoughts, Tyler's eyes could see the brown orbs of Marcel, shining out in the dark, he could see him bit his lip before sighing and finally giving in. "I... You have to tell Craig you love him." Marcel began, letting his arms fall off to his sides  and watched as his taller friend slowly registered what he just said, "What?! Marcel, what in the heaven's gate are you talking about???!" Tyler exclaimed, swaying his arm dismissively, "it'll be quick, you just have to date him!" Marcel tried to reasoned but honestly, what reason is there? His reasoning was pretty shitty in all honesty,

"What? No! I'm not going to date Craig!" Tyler's voice got louder, stepping in front of the clenching boy, trying to shake some senses into him. Marcel suddenly snapped, his hands tightly gripping on Tyler's collar with pure anger as the opposite tried to free himself from the monkey's grip. "How hard could it be Tyler? He loves you and you could like him, that's all that it matters!" Tyler successfully pushed Marcel's iron grip off him, stepping backwards, not wanting to fight his friend who clearly isn't thinking straight. "Marcel, listen to me, you're just mad! Try calming down for a second!" Tyler tried to talk him out before dodging when Marcel lunged himself forward to him. "How can I, 'Calm Down'? When I had been reminded that the person I love, loves someone else!" Marcel shouted, glaring back at Tyler as he stood up forward, raising a fist high, "you're not even sure about that! You could be wrong!" Tyler yelled back, catching the fist and pushing Marcel backwards, pinning him on the ground.

"He already said that he's in love with someone! And I can't bear to see those same broken eyes... So please.. just date Craig. I'm sure he'll be happy... I don't care if I'm not... Just, just to raise his spirits back, to see him smile brightly... I don't care if it's not me, just please..." Marcel sobbed, Tyler took sympathy of his brokenhearted friend before slowly letting go of his wrists..

Tyler's eyes slowly fell while the bangs of his hair covered his eyes, pain laced in his voice as he slowly spoke, a lump formed in his throat while he apologetically gaze down to his friend. "Marcel... I'm sorry. I can't. I- I'm in love with Evan,"  Marcel jerked his head upwards to see his supposedly straight friend admit to him in defeat, "what?" The monkey asked, staring at the taken back pig. "I'm in love with Evan..." the truth... Tyler's eyes widened as he blurted out, "the truth... Marcel, I know the answer." He immediately grabbed his friend when the walkie-talkie activated, his friends asking on where they have been. "We're on our way," Tyler spoke back and once again, the two continued their journey while Tyler retell his encounter with the wanderer from earlier,

The two met up with the other five who had waited at the crossing sections of their paths, when the five saw the two, they immediately fired questions like what took them so long? And where have they been, or if they had seen the witch. Tyler was the first one to answer while they all walked back to the direction of their cabin, ignoring the bad weather and the ran down lights. Whilst they took the steps forward the door, Brian furrowed his eyebrows at the whole story, "So you're saying that we all are just a bunch of liars?" Evan shrugged at the Irishman when he placed his hand on the door, "I dunno, maybe, she did say, 'The truth will set us free',"

Ryan and Jonathan who were walking behind gazed at each other, as if talking to each other through their head. After a few minutes and before Evan could open the door, they took a hold at each others hands, clearing their throat grabbing everyone's attention.

Luke was the first one to turn his head and spot the two holding hands in front of him. His body immediately clogged up his airway as he tries to find the words he had been looking for, Brian's reaction was different out of the others confusion, he heard the door behind him open revealing the remaining guys who had stayed put inside the cabin. Brian wished he could unsee the way Luke's body reacted, he doesn't know why but he felt bad, like horribly bad for him.

"Guys... We got news to tell you.." Ryan started sweat dropping from the back of his neck and down his dark grey shirt. "Ryan and I are dating." Jonathan admitted, you could see the grip tightened. Joe who was the last one to show up on the doorstep was taken back and confused when he saw Ryan's and Jonathan's hands intertwined together. "What?" Was all he managed to blurt out and for a whole solid three seconds, everybody's gaze bore behind Luke, thunder appeared out of the dark grey sky and soon, heavy rain fell on the muddy ground of the forest.

Everything happened so fast as the devil-hoodied teen lunched forward at his best friend, tackling him on the ground with a fist raised above. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Luke screamed, landing a square hit on Jonathan's left cheek, Ryan's eyes widened when he saw the two wrestling each other, and before he could even stop them, Brian took a hold of his arms, shaking his head.

Jonathan tried to hold back but the punches that landed on his face and his head made him snap. Jonathan's grabbed Luke's wrists on his shirt and flipped them both around so now he was the one pinning Luke down, "I TRUSTED YOU JONATHAN!" Luke yelled across the woods, taking hits from his best friend who tried to defend himself. "YOU WERE DATING CHRISTINE AT THE TIME YOU FUCKER!" Jon reasoned, Luke kicked him off, shaking his head. Luke continued on clenching his fists,

"Luke, Jonathan, Please stop!" Ryan pleaded, breaking free from Brian's grasps and standing in between the two, tears fled down his hazel eyes in hopes that his two trusted friends would stop. Jonathan sat up, wiping the blood off his broken nose, he glared down at his brother-like best friend, "you don't have the right to be mad Luke, I only wanted Ryan to be happy." Ryan sniffed, he held Jonathan's shoulder whilst his own was violently shaking. Luke gazed down, observing as his knuckles were now bruised and bloody, "I... I just. I told you, Jonathan... I told you how fucking in love I was for him. I told you that day and night I would go back in time, to not date Christine so when Ryan could finally come, I could make him mine right away." His gaze fell down, he saw droplets of tears falling on his palms and realized that those belongs to him. Blue eyes gazed at him with sympathy as he felt Ryan shakes by his side, "Luke, he still loves you man-"

"you two are Fucking Dating–"

"It doesn't mean he didn't fell in love with you first."


That's what covered the whole scene as everyone who watched that didn't want to get involve or to disturb just stared them, others holding their mouth in shock. Brian began nudging the others to head back inside the cabin, to give the three some space to work things out. They all gave them a sympathetic look before heading through the door. Brian was the last one to go back, watching Luke who avoided their gaze with anger still visible in his eyes and how Jonathan constantly comforted Ryan who kept asking forgiveness saying that he didn't want any of this to happen. He sighed out loud before closing the door behind him, leaving the trio to enveloped in rain.

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