+16 Just Say It!

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Just Say It!

The guy's had huddled up inside the storage room, all scared and in panic. Those creatures from out of the woods had found a way to break the barrier that was protecting the cabin. Sweating in fear, others began praying for their safety. They could hear the sounds of loud footsteps creaking just outside the room.

The sound of glass breaking echoed throughout the whole place, the balcony doors were brought down and no sooner, two dark ghostly figures had crept in. Snarling and growling, on that had the shape of a moose moved it's antlers. Wrecking the whole room while the one that evolved into a shape of a dark horse with horns started to break it's way inside.

Brock and Brian ran downstairs and saw Tyler and Luke trying to hold up the front door. Something was trying to get in and they both tried so hard to keep the door in tact. Marcel and Jonathan ran towards the kitchen, thinking that they could still hold the back door but was stopped when an oak wooden door literally fled the whole room, slamming into the dining room wall. Evan began flapping his wings, flying himself upwards with Lui in his arms. David's dogs instinct kicked in, he started growling and barking, his ears perking upwards and he kept his eyes trained on the ceiling where huge footsteps thumped against the roof. Craig helped out Ryan on blocking up the windows, when they tried to reach for the bookshelf to cover up the last window, two long, black inked arms reached out breaking the glass in the process. The figure poked its head in, it looked like a death skull with burnt teeth and dark depth holes.

Pushing it's upper body in, it reached out to the nearest hybrid it could reach which is Craig who had his dog ears down, whimpering and frightened by the whole thing reaching out for him. Before those long frail fingers could ever reach him, Ryan threw himself in the way to save his friend. The hand instantly grew as the size of his body, grabbing the poor bunny by the giant hand and most likely squeezing the hell out of him. Feeling his lungs and intestines getting smush inside, making him gasp in pain. Both Luke and Jonathan turned their heads and see their crush getting lift up the air, making them leave their spots. Marcel ran towards Craig's aid whilst Jonathan fled past him and jumped, using his raccoon reflexes and grasping tightly unto one of the fingers. Luke, the hybrid fox, speed through the room, jumping on top of a coffee table and latching unto the other side. Because of this action, Tyler was left to guard the front door by himself in result of the other side breaking in, making the door's hinges come off and Tyler jumping out on the air.

Thankfully, Brian galloped his way through the reaching arms and making Tyler land on the back of his horse body. Evan heard the roof getting rip apart, making him lower his flight and gave Lui to David who backed away, looking up. After the front door got rip open, the hand that was squeezing Ryan's body let go of the bunny and retreated outwards the window. Once Ryan's body dropped, the two teens dropped down and tried to lift him up with Jon only stopping, remembering that he was no longer needed by Ryan and it was Luke's job to care. Stepping back, his raccoon ears and tail dropped down, he had to constantly remind himself that it's over.

"Guys! Over here!" At the sound of Joe's voice, his ears perked up instantly, taking a glance to check if the squirrel was alright. Seeing that Joe has no injuries made Jonathan sighed in relief before jogging to the open storage unit where Joe made enough room for all of them to fit in.
Luke lifted up the unconscious Ryan in his arms, Marcel helping out Craig to get over his shock, David dragging Lui with him and Brian held Brock in his arms along with Tyler pulling Evan.

So here they are, whimpering and sobbing as the other side of the door began banging loudly against the laid out dark wood. Lui began tearing up, hugging David for his dear life, "guys! Before we die, I want to tell you guys that...–" David caressed Lui's face, "Just Say It Already!" Evan called out, making Ryan wake up from his unconscious state and looked around in confusion. "Me and David had been dating for over a year!" The monkey shrieked out, cowards inside the dog's arms. "Lui, we all know!" Stated Brock, giving the monkey a gentle smile, David perked his dog ears up, "wait, what?" Marcel gritted to his teeth, holding Craig in his arms, "it was so obvious! We were just waiting for you guys to tell us!!!" He explained and all of a sudden, the banging stopped. All that was left was an eerie silence...

Gulping down the bump on their throat, Tyler slowly made his way towards the weak door, turning the knob and looking back at his friends. They all wear the same emotion he was feeling, fear and worry. With Evan giving him his trust, Tyler mentally prepared himself for what's about to come.

Pushing the door open, he peaked his head out, his dirty blonde hair that almost looked like brown falling over his eyes, he continued to push the door widely so the others can see what he's seeing. The cabin was in good condition... the whole place was back to when they originally first move in. The glasses weren't on the floor, the doors were on it's place... Just the whole thing made them shiver. Slowly walking towards the living room, Tyler caught a sight outside their cabin, he fast walked to the door and opened it to reveal the old lady they all first saw on their way from the falls. She gave them a toothy smile and a hand wave, Brock felt like passing out on the spot. "You... What happened?" Tyler asked, backing away so she can come through the door. Softly tapping her cane on the wooden floor, and tiny little speckles of glitters float out of the space boards. She grinned back and watch as the guy's appearances changed back to normal. Their hybrid parts no longer exists... They all looked at each other with wide eyes and relief in their faces. The spell had finally been lifted.

"I did tell you that the truth will set you free... Took all of you longer than needed, all your confessions we're the answer and the last confession was... Oh, yes, right... Telling those couples that all of you already know the truth." Embarrassment filled their faces, Jonathan chuckled whilst the others smiled. "Although, it had took me long enough, I am glad I was able to to reach you all before the Wendigos could." This statement made Evan raise an eyebrow, "Sorry, Wendigos? Those were the things that had been trying to kill us???" The woman just giggled, "why yes my dear. It was them.", "But isn't your duty to protect travelers like us?? From those dark souls??" Tyler interjected, crossing his arms, "But I have, hadn't I? I saved you just before they burst in to your little room over there," she pointed over the open storage closet. "Our friend here was almost squeezed to death," glare Luke who was still helping Ryan stand up, Ryan sweat dropped and gave out a weak laugh before waving his hand, "don't worry, It's nothing serious..." He tried to laugh it off but she got extremely worried, "oh dear, forgive me, let me at least check on your health."

Once she said that, she lifted up her free hand and raised it on top of his forehead, making it glow green then closing her eyes. She lightly whispered a few words that made no sense to the guys and slowly, she pulled her hand back, smiling at the hazel eyed boy. "No serious injuries, you're good to go!" She exclaimed before lightly tapping her can back on the wooden floor, "I'm hoping in seeing you fine gentlemen back in the forest?" She asked, hope glinting in her eyes, the guys looked at each other, shrugging before muttering 'yeah', and small nods. And with that, one last snap of her fingers, she turned her head to them, "The truth will set you free, my dear~!" She laughed before vanishing into thin air.

The others just stared at the spot she way sitting on, still not believing on the magic they just witnessed...

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