+14 The Secret's Out

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The Secret's Out

"I have something to tell you."

Evan waited for a few minutes for Tyler to calm down. He could see the curly tail wiggling around, the owl stretched it's wings instantly startling the other. "Geez, Evan, know how to control those huge ass wings of yours!" The blue eyed teen squeaked out, finally out from his head and back in the reality where he and Evan needed to have a talk. The owl hybrid just raised and eyebrow, his eyes glowing in the darkness that was from a normal human eyes to yellow golden ones.

Tyler shook his head, feeling a pit of nervousness fill his stomach, "When I first met up with the lady, me and her had a talk. About my sexuality..." Squinting his eyes a bit before finally widening in realization, Evan jerked his head up and tilted his head a bit. "When? The night when...", Air got caught up in Tyler's throat as he choke out the words he tried to find, "y-yes .. The night when you to-told me you..."—regretted it. "–that it was a mistake." The Canadian's eyes fell down, a feeling of dread spread across his face, right. That night. Was this the time that Tyler would finally cut it out and tell him that he's gay or is he going to keep lying to himself and say he's straight. "Again, I'm sorry about–"

"Was it all that is? A mistake?"

The question made Evan freeze, no, of course it wasn't a mistake. He fucking did it on purpose goddammit.

The Canadian suddenly leaned in, making the taller teen push back until he felt the arm of the sofa behind him.  Then two toned arms were placed on each sides of him, enabling him to move around. Instantly trapping the poor pig hybrid.

"What 'bout you? What do you think, piggy? Was it all a mistake?" Evan wasn't sure what he was doing but the way Tyler got flustered had him going crazy. All Evan got was silence, Tyler was not confirming nor declining the statement. This made the teen's heart pound heavily against his chest, "but Ty, aren't you straight???" Tyler suddenly pushed Evan off him, panting heavily from the sudden closeness before yelling out, "no!" That reply took back the owl, "wait, so you're gay–?" Tyler glared at the hybrid in front of him, he huffed out in embarrassment, "there's a thing called bisexuality, Evan. I'm pretty sure you know that considering you're one." He muttered out loud, face full red. Is this what coming out feels like?

Blinking once, twice then thrice, a snicker escaped Evan's lips. Tyler just stared back in disbelief but at the same time, he shook his head back. "What are you laughing at bitch?" Evan pressed his lips together to stop himself from snickering, ending up in a wide loopside grin. "I guess I had predicted you coming out at least. It's just so unbelievable that you've spent all those years telling us you're straight but now confessing that you're actually bi," the statement made Tyler pout, although he must admit, it is pretty dumb.

"Hey, I was straight! Until you came out." He argued back trying to reason with the other. Evan smirked, crossing his own arms and straightening his wings out, "Ty, you don't turn gay, straight nor bi. You either didn't know it from the start or you hid it. You were probably a bi-curious." He shrugged, whilst Tyler was left with a furrowed eyebrows and a mouth agape. This gender sexuality shit is really confusing him. "Whatever," he retorted, looking away with a pout. He heard Evan chuckle before speaking in a deep, smooth voice, "do you know what being bisexual means Ty? I'm assuming that you do considering you just admitted you're one." There it was again, Evan was leaning in forward but Tyler avoided the sly gaze. "What?" The question made the Canadian smile deviously, placing his fingers around Tyler's chin and forcing the other to look at him.

"You get to be gay for me~" Evan smirked, watching Tyler's face turn red and turning him into a stuttering mess. "Ev– w-what are y-you ta-talk–" pig ears leaned down, blue eyes fluttering close while owl wings stretched out openly when he cupped the other's face and placing his lips on a pair of pink ones. Tyler's hands moved on its own, holding the hands that was placed on his cheeks then kissing back the Canadian. A bit hesitant at first but no sooner, they started craving it. Passionately enjoying each others warmth. The two parted, panting heavily for air with their foreheads touching. They both let out a giggle, "so... Was that also a mistake?" Tyler asked, his pig ears perking up when his ocean blue eyes met with a pair of dark chocolate ones. "No, of course not. Specially when I meant every single moment of it." Evan breathed, giving Tyler a quick peck with a blush on his cheeks.

"I love you... You fucking faggot."

Ryan and Luke was left outside seating on a bench together. Silence had spread throughout the forest, the pair sat, avoiding each other gazes. Having to get enough by this eerie silence, Ryan slash out, turning his body to face the red fox. His bunny ears point upwards while the other one slowly leaned down. "You don't have to be mad at Jonathan, He was only trying to help." Luke snarled at that statement, still avoiding the look. "yeah, by fucking dating you," that sentence seemed to made Ryan snap, he stood up and walked in front of the fox, forcing Luke to look at him on the eyes. "Because he knows how much I loved you!" Luke's fox ears perked up yet still giving the other a blank expression, not satisfied with the silent treatment, Ryan continued, "what was I supposed to do? Cry my heart out until you break up with Christine??!" Ryan grabbed a hold of Luke's shirt collar, trying to get a reaction, anything.

"It was a good thing that he was there... Or else I wouldn't be here right now." Ryan muttered, letting go of Luke and then looking away. His hands gripped into fists as fresh, hot tears escaped his eyes. The pain in Ryan's face made Luke want to punch himself in the gut. He knows that he's the reason the bunny rabbit is crying right now. Luke closed his eyes, he knows that Jonathan was just trying to help, he knows that Jonathan was just trying to teach him a lesson but he just can't ignore the jealousy that was placed in his stomach when the news of them dating came out. "Ryan, I'm sorry..." The fox ears and tail went down, his own tears dropping out before holding Ryan's hand and intertwining it with his own. "I know. I should've told you earlier..." Sympathy filled Ryan as he watch Luke drop to his knees and hug him.

"I– just.. do you- do you have feelings for him? For Jon I mean... He is still my best bro, and I can't bear the thought that if you did catch feelings for him, then maybe you and him are better off together." The question made Ryan think back to the days he and Jonathan had gone out. It was nice, yes. But he only thinks of Jon as a best friend. Nothing more.

He thought of those days more of a BFF dates rather than a couple's date. "No, I don't think so. Me and him had agreed that if one of us wants to stop, then we'd stop..." The flashback of him and Jon talking earlier sent chills down his spine. The way those fake smiles that were shown when they both had decided that it would be best to finish off the agreement. Luke was silent for a moment, he thought and thought, he still had a chance. He could still fix his mistakes. "Ry, I have been in love with you for a very long time..." He breathed out, watching those hazel eyes met his own. "Luke..." Ryan let out a chuckle, hugging the other happily. "I've always been in love with you." The hybrid fox picked the rabbit up with his arms, circling them both, making the rabbit giggle and blush. Gently placing the rabbit down, Luke held his hand and gave Ryan a kiss on the forehead, grinning widely as the two walked back inside the cabin, hand in hand.

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