+13 And So Admit

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And So Admit

Two figures walked into the kitchen. A bit of tension in the air hung low. Craig ran his hand through his curly hair and then slightly tugging his dog ears when they both stopped walking. A good meters apart from everyone else, this must be enough, he thought.

"Alright, Craig, What do you want to talk about?" The hybrid monkey spoke a bit too blunt. "Marcel, what in God's name are you doing, forcing Tyler to date me and all?!" And just like that, it was a heavy start for the two of them. Brown orbs widened when the statement rolled out from Craig's tongue.

Marcel took a deep breath, he still cannot believe that Tyler had snitched on him. "It was..." How can he say it without accidentally spilling out his feelings. Averting his gaze away, he slowly backed up whilst Craig kept on stepping forward until he hit the counter. "Craig, I– uh... Personal space??" He excused but Craig refused.

His dog ears pointing upward, the hybrid dog had successfully trapped the monkey. "Explain." He spoke in a stern voice letting the other know that whatever excuse he used will be invalid until he speak the truth. Giving up, Marcel shut his eyes and let all his frustrations out; "You know what? Fine! I did it because I'm in love with you, okay?? And I know that you love Tyler so I asked him to date you! To make you happy! Craig, back then when we were playing truth or dare you told us that you were in love with someone. And I saw how sad you were when you said that that someone is in love with someone else. And well, I don't want to see you that way..."

The monkey had finally spoken, admitting all those hidden emotions in one blow.

Silence, with Craig still registering all those information whilst Marcel kept his eyes close, not wanting to face his crush. After a couple of seconds, a sob came out of Craig's mouth making Marcel open his eyes, surprised to see the British boy crying. "Marcel..." Craig breathed, his shoulders began to shake violently as he grabbed a hold of Marcel's shoulders for support. "You. You were the person I'm talking about! And I thought that you were still in love with Scotty so I just... I just stood by!" Tears seeped out from Craig's glasses,

"all those time, all you ever talked about was Scott. Scott. Scott. What about fucking Craig Thompson?! What about me who fell in love with you since first grade?!"

By now, he was already yelling. Shaking his head whilst Marcel's own eyes widened at the realization. He was always talking about Scott... Because that guy never stopped bugging him. Dark hands entertained against a shaking, sweaty white ones. "Craig... I never knew, you were always hanging out with Tyler. I thought–", Craig began sniffing, calming down a bit. "Well now you know, idiot." The teen pouted, removing his hands from the shoulders. Wiping his tears, Craig smiled and looked up at the same brown orbs he fell in love with.

"Damn it. I didn't mean to make you cry..." Marcel breathed, looking down in guilt. This is the opposite thing he wants to see Craig in. He wants the boy to be grinning widely, smiling and cheerful. Suddenly, a cold hand caressed his cheek, he held it with his own, kissing the knuckles just like hours ago when Craig's hands accidentally burned. The action made the hybrid dog giggle, wagging his tail when Marcel wiped the tears with his own hands. Finally smiling and contented, Marcel let out a sigh, "Craig, this–"

"Oh shut up and just kiss me already," he impatiently wagged his tail and crossed his arms, frowning. Marcel chuckled, the gently holding his cheeks before leaning down until their lips brushed against each other. The feeling of warmth settling in their stomachs, savoring the moment as best as they could.

Joe's tail followed his movement whilst he reached the shared room by him, Jon and Brian. The squirrel hesitated knocking when he heard the low growl and sniffing from the other side. Gripping tightly on the first aid kit he had been carrying for Jonathan, he took a deep breath and knocked two times. "Jonathan? May I come in?" He asked, hearing the noise from the other side stopped, a bit of shuffling before the door finally opened revealing two swollen, red-ish blue eyes. Joe however, kept quiet then proceeded for the boy's aid.

Once Joe had entered the room, Jon forced a wide grin waving for him a little bit before patting his side for Joe to seat in which the other listened. Placing the first aid kit down, Joe began applying cold ice on the forming bruise besides Jon's face. He kept a mental not to himself to never piss off Luke or else he would end up like Jon here. The hybrid fox did a great job on punching the raccoon, "I know I'm bootiful Squirrel, no need to stare," the joke seemingly pulled Joe out from his absent gaze then apologized, continuing to apply the ice. "If you have something to say it, just say it." Jonathan continued, staring at him with a blank expression. This made Joe nervous for a bit, before trying to wave it off. "What?" Joe chuckled, placing the ice wrapped in towel down before getting the necessary equipment like the cotton and some alcohol.

"I'm not stupid Joe. I rather people say it in front of my face than behind my back." The seriousness in his look caught the younger teen off guard. He hadn't seen Jonathan act so serious before. "No! No, it's nothing like that Jon, I–" Joe sighed, placing down his hands and looking the injured teen straight at the eyes. "I mean, I heard that you and Ryan had been going out in secret for about a month now..." The brunette started, looking away, truth be told, it pained him to know about the news. "–And just now I also found out that you and Ryan, broke up.."

"I'm fine... If that's what you're asking." Jon gave Joe a small smile, trying to brush off the topic. But Joe wasn't stupid, he could see the pain, Jon was hurt and it pained him back. "No you're not!" The sudden outburst caught the two off guard, Joe shut his eyes, he had already dug the hole, might as well go deeper now. "Joe–"
The raccoon hybrid tried to calm him down but the squirrel refused, "the first time that I met you was when you saved me from all those bullies and brought me to that group. I could never imagine my life if you instead had chosen to ignore me. You helped me out, you helped out the little girl get her bike back, you tried to help Luke realize something about taking your chances. You helped out Ryan to try and move on, but this time, it didn't work out. You caught feelings but so what? All I mean is, you should stop and think about yourself, help yourself out. Jon, don't beat yourself out for something that had gone wrong... It wasn't your fault. And if you can't help yourself up, then I'll be the one to help you. You've been trying to help us, why not we help you back in return?"

After the long speech, Joe was finally able to breathe, his tail ruffled slightly and his ears twitched when he reopened his eyes and saw the surprised look on Jon's face. The raccoon tail dropped down on the bed, the teen held Joe's hands in his then smiled, not by forced this time. "Sure, you could help me by doing what I did to Ryan." The teen chuckled when he saw Joe's face slightly turned red by that comment. Yet he'd lie he said he didn't like the other one getting flustered. The two hold their hands together, smiling like goofy kids, the atmosphere slowly lighten up. Surely, they would hope something would happen. Maybe the start of something blooming.

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