+10 The Answer

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The Answer

Marcel coughed out a cough and saw his friend, Joe, tried to silently walk away from the scene. "Heyo squirrel," Marcel called over the half squirrel and half human to walk back over the table, still coughing from there and here but kept his brown eyes trained over the American. Joe's squirrel tail was really fluffy that made the whole tail took a lot of space from his seat. "Truth, or dare?" Marcel asked the younger who was fiddling with the end of his shirt, slowly chuckling before answering, "... dare," he answered, not getting used with all the eyes watching him. He was quite worried of getting called out an unnecessary nickname.

"I dare you... To tell us if you're straight, gay or bi," Marcel announced, Joe's head quickly looked up to see Marcel actually serious. "Come on, me and the others are actually curious." Marcel gestured around, the others actually nodded their head, waiting for him to answer. "Ah, well..." Joe's eyes drifted off to a certain kind blue eyes... He gulped before opening his mouth, "I guess... I'm gay." Joe's voice cracked and winced as he remembered his elementary days where he was bullied for being a 'faggot'. That was until Jonathan found him and introduced him to the group, his whole world got easy, finding friends and all that. He's really thankful for the blue hoodie wearing teen. Marcel grinned, leaning back over his seat, quite satisfied on the answer Joe gave him. "Hey man, no judge here, you already know that basically, almost all of us are gay. I'm sure that I am. Evan's Bisexual and Brock's Asexual, I think?" The teen shrugged, the others just laughed and smiled showing Joe that they accept him. Brock coughed a bit, unsure if his, 'asexuality' is still a thing, after all, he did find Brian a little hot... Wait, what?

Joe's squirrel ears excitedly moved, happy that his friends accepted him. He turned his attention towards the white puppy, Craig, who happily waved his tail. "What about you Craig, truth or dare?" The British boy laughed, placing his hands over his hips before declaring, "Oh hahaha, you know I'll choose truth." Craig spoke, smiling as Joe slowly thought to himself before asking,

"do you like someone in our group of friends?"

Marcel stopped, his monkey ears actually perked up as he watched Craig squirmed in his seat, easily blushing before stumbling on his own words, "I... Uh..."

No, don't.

"Woah, Craig got the hots for someone?!" David's ears twitched as his long, brown tail wagged. "Erm, well..."

Please don't. Marcel's thoughts raised, not this again. He was done with this.

"I actually do like someone. Maybe, just maybe, I even love them." Craig's eyes avoided anyone that stared, he felt his face blushing madly and heard as Lui and Brock gasped in surprised whilst David cheered him on. Joe perked his head up, "really? Who?" Craig chuckled, shaking his head. "Nuh-uh, you only asked if I like someone, I don't have to tell you who he is." David cupped his hands and shouted, "Gaaayyyy," ending up with Lui punching him on the arm. "I- besides," Craig sighed, his glasses falling over his nose, "he likes someone else..." Craig frowned, staring on his palms as Brock took a seat next to him, telling him that it's okay. Marcel however, clenched his fists and stood up, "I'm going to look for the others." Was all he said before leaving them behind with confusion in their faces.

Tyler cussed out loudly as he swung his bat over the creature's head, instantly making it disperse within the shadows. He was left alone with a bat as a weapon and a barely working walkie-talkie. He took a detour around the witch's hut where she helped him cure his wound which was instantly gone by the next day. He heard his walkie-talkie talking, pulling it out from his pocket, he turned up the signal and heard Marcel calling over him, "Hey...- Tyler,--- Where you at man?" Tyler recognised Marcel's voice on the other side so he decided to answer back, "Hey Mar, I'm over here by the hut we last checked." Tyler's pig ears perked up when he heard twigs snapping behind him. "Alright--- I'm heading over to gather--- back to the cabin." Marcel's voice boomed out loud before shoving the walkie-talkie back in his pocket. His blue eyes wandered behind him, trying to keep his bat ready in case one of those things lurch towards him.

"Are you lost again?"

A raspy voice asked behind him, making Tyler whip his body around to see the witch with her usual stick and lantern on her hands. She gave Tyler a toothy smile before waving her fingers out to him. Tyler's pig tail bounced as he walked near her, trying to get a better look. Ragged clothes with a beaver skin wrap around her shoulders. Long grey-ish hair swayed against the wind softly hitting her wrinkled face. "I wanna know if you're the one who did this to me and my friends." Tyler exclaimed, his eyes not daring to move away from the lady before him. She rolled her eyes sideways, as if trying to remember something before snapping her fingers and right before him, an owl appeared out of thin air and landed on her arm, she grinned over the half pig before slightly caressing the feathers with her fingers, still holding the stick of course.

"Well... Who else could've done it to you, fine gentlemen?" She lifted her arm up, making the owl fly away from them and unto the trees. "What about those shadowy creatures? You made those nasty things too???" Tyler crossed his arms, still holding the bat with his right arm. The woman's eyes widened and placed a hand on top of her heart, indicating that she was just hurt by the accusation. "Why, how could you??" She exclaimed, the shock look on her face were not convincing enough for her to actually feel hurt. "I would never do anything to endanger the animals and travellers of the forest!" She spoke but lingered her eyes back as she cock an eyebrow, "that is if... Anyone dared to destroy the beauty of the woods, I don't see any reason for them to live on." She shrugged, placing her lamp on the handle of her cane, slowly poking it with a giggle, "those creatures you're talking about, they were just dark souls of the previous people who dared to cut off half of the woods." She explained, eying the teen before her before giving him a kind smile, "I don't think that you and your friends are a threat." She assured, watching as the pig boy slowly relieve his muscles,

"Then why do it? Why turn us into these ... these hybrids?" Tyler pushed further, just to find the solution of their current problem. The woman took a step forward, leaving the shade under the trees and unto the shine of the sun ray's setting. "A long time ago...-"--- totally not a cliche part of the story,---she began, "I was called the wanderer of the forest, I, who decided to spend my life trying to preserve the beauty of nature and the satisfaction of the people who decides to wonder out in the woods. It's my job to keep you and the forest safe." Her grey eyes watches as Tyler squinted his eyes, gesturing for her to continue on, "It's been so long since the last time someone had paid me a visit... And I saw that you and your friends weren't satisfied and are locked away from showing your true self by harsh reality and secrets. You all are a bunch of dirty liars." She spat out, Tyler suddenly jumped from the sudden glare from her, "but fear not my boy," she weakly smiled before slowly patting his shoulder,

"the Truth will set you free..."

And with a blink of an eye, the woman, who's now known as the wanderer disappeared from his sight. Shivering as the cold air brush against his skin, Tyler glanced behind him to see a flashlight finding its way through the darkness,

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