+15 Are We Safe?

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Are We Safe?

Brock looked everywhere from inside the cabin. From the kitchen where Marcel and Craig were sucking each others faces, to the living room where he found Tyler wrapped around Evan's left wing so the two can cuddle closer together and going up stairs to hear muffled noises from the room where Lui and David are along The two J's room where he heard a yelp and hush voices. Crossing his eyebrows, Brock just huffed. If everyone is getting at least someone, what about his? He made his way to the balcony where he saw the most gorgeous sight he could ever ponder.

Brian stood over, looking out to see if Luke and Ryan had worked things out. The Irishman sighed when the two were still seating in silence, un-moving. His horse legs moved a bit, trying to stretch out any upcoming cramps. The horse tail wagged for a bit until he heard someone clear their throat from the back, Brian looked back to see Brock leaning against the glass door with a smile on his face. "Hey," the half eagle winged greeted. The white feathers falling from behind while he took a few steps to stand by the Irish Sagittarius. Brian let out a charming smile and waved back, he glanced back down to see Ryan and Luke talking. That's a good sign... He thought before facing back his crush.

However, nothing prepared Brian for the next sentence Brock let out.

"So... A little bridie told me that you got a crush on me." Brian looked at Brock in wide eyes, his mouth hanging open while his mind run in confusion
Who the fuck told him? He paused for a bit, his face turning red from embarrassment. His mind then went back to his and Ryan's conversation from the very spot a few nights back. What if Brock pull the same shit that Jon did to him. He would never forgive himself if somebody does ask Brock out first. Partly because those someone might even have the bigger balls to actually ask the teen out and not just googly eyes him from the distance. Brian watched the teen before him, Brock was giving him a sly smile and a confident look. Something he wasn't used to, he gripped the edge of his shirt, tugging it for a bit before yelling out in his head, 'you know what? YOLO!'

Brian reached over the smiling teen, grabbing Brock by the hips and immediately smashing their lips together. The hybrid eagle widened it's eyes, he could feel his heart about to explode in any second. His mind went blank all he could focus was the Irishman that had finally took courage to kiss him. On the other hand, Brian has only one thing in his mind and it's about how soft Brock lips actually are and wishing that he could've kissed it before. Slowly pulling away, Brian had realised what he has done and quickly covered his face with his hands, oh god, what if he hates me now? I didn't even answer his question!

Brock stood there, face is red as a tomato. His eyes blinked for a moment, watching as the Irishman cover his face in embarrassment. "Oh my god, Brock, I'm so sorry! I know you're asexual but I just couldn't stop myself!" Brian tried to explain, still closing his eyes and ranting whatever words he could use. That's it when he felt the same soft lips on his cheek, Brian opened his eyes to see Brock pulling away with a blush on his cheeks. "M-maybe, I just got the hots for a ce-certain... Irishman, which isn't David by the way." Brock admitted, staring at his shoes, his wings awkwardly hugged his sides whilst he felt the heat on his cheeks slowly decreased. "I guess, what I'm trying to say is... I'm.. in love..? With you, Brian." Brock was still weirded out by the funny yet lovely feeling he felt on his chest. He was used to not liking anyone, whether it's a girl or a boy.

The confession made Brian's chest flutter in a million pieces. He never thought that Brock would actually love him back! The shy, cute boy, —Brock himself—loves him back! A grin spread on his face and began to lift the eagle hybrid up and settle him down to his horse back. Brian took a quick glance to where Luke and Ryan were to find them now going back inside the cabin, hand in hand. The Irishman gave Brock a smile, still amused at how much flustered Brock was. "Hey, Brock?" The teen snapped out from fiddling with his fingers and glanced up to see a pair of blue orbs shining with happiness staring at him. "I love you." The three words that had managed to put a smile on Brock's face was enough for Brian. Before the two could even lean back again, Brock caught sight of a white light descending around the cabin and unto the ground. "B-Brian... What's that?" Brock pointed, Brian cursed a bit before looking back, and he wished he hadn't. Because now, all he could think was how to stop himself from pissing over the floor.

The four guys that were staying in their rooms had decided to finally come out. They all met with the six others who was now gathered at the living room.

Jon can't help but notice the intertwined hands of Luke and Ryan. He clenched his mouth before forcing to tear his gaze off. Him and Joe had descended down the stairs when Lui and David had called for all of their attention. "Everyone, we have a new to tell you–" David started before getting cut off by a loud slam of the balcony door and three hurried footsteps. Brock and Brian both looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Brock panted whilst Brian took a quick scan to check if everyone was present. Once he was sure that everyone were he let out a huge shout, "Everyone! The barrier had opened!!"

Now that announcement quickly raised the fears with in them. Evan was the first one to stand up, "What?!" Too late. They all heard hundreds of footsteps coming their way, this was bad. Real bad.

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