+9 Truth or Dare

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Truth or Dare

Marcel took his time inside the kitchen, humming happily as his tail swayed side by side, a week had passed since the next day Evan woke up saying he had a dream, a flashback of the few days before the school ended. A few days before school eh? Well, those were kinda shit. Scott won't stop calling him and Craig won't even bat an eyelash his way. The monkey sighed, setting down the ladle he had been using and slowly decreased the flames from the stove before finally shutting it down. He smiled triumphantly at his finished meal before shortly heading inside the bathroom to take a quick leak. 

After washing his hands, Marcel made his way back inside the kitchen only to be greeted by a yelping Craig who was intensely blowing on his fingers as he withdrew his hands from the pot. Instinctively, Marcel was quick to react and stood by Craig's side, gently taking the burnt hand in his hands and slowly blowing it for the British teen. "Geez Craig, what were you thinking??" Marcel asked as he pulls Craig towards the sink to rinse the hand with cold water. Craig chuckled nervously, his puppy ears leaning down, "Well... I smelled something delicious and saw the pot just sitting there, I thought that it was already cold but... I guess I was wrong." He laughed shyly as he watches Marcel slowly rub his hand with petroleum jelly. A familiar warm feeling spread across Craig's chest when Marcel took a quick glance up to look at him. 

After adding petroleum jelly, Marcel didn't let go of the hand easily, instead, he brought the hand closer to his lips and slowly kissed the burnt fingers. Craig just felt his whole world wildly spinning when Marcel's dark brown orbs stared back into him. The flushed kid cough loudly and avoided the gaze of his friend. "So uh... you're the one who made it?" Marcel's head snapped back into reality as he quickly let go of the other's hand, embarrassed by what he just did. "Huh? Uh, y-yeah.." The two stayed in silence, too shy to initiate the first word. "Oh goody! Finally, food!" David excitedly exclaimed, pushing past the two and straight over the pot. "Hey, Lui! Come on here and help me set up the table! Marcel made stew!" The Irish barked out over the shorter monkey who ran into the kitchen and grabbing a lot of plates to set the table up. David stared between Marcel and Craig, taking a large bowl to place the stew in. "What are ye focks doin' just standin' over dere? Eh? Why don't you two help us out 'ere?!" His thick accent surfaced as he took the bowl in and carried it over the dining room. 

Marcel cursed silently in his mind as he followed David into the dining room, Craig not too far behind. It was getting dark and the lights just went out for a reason, and it was raining hard outside which made it extra dangerous especially with those things lurking just outside of the cabin perimeters. The others still had gone out to search for that lady while the others decided to stay inside the cabin for protection and also in case someone does need to get help over. They had just come up with a new plan; they were split,--again.-- into two teams with six people each. The half would stay at home and help out the others who were outside to guide them back into the cabin. Mostly those who were out were the ones that are able to handle the beasts out there. From the last few days of searching for clues, answers and reasons, the crew had managed to make a homemade weapon for protection. Right now it was Craig, Brock, Marcel, David, Lui, and Joe back at the cabin, never leaving a friend's side especially when it was about to be dark outside and the power just went out. A few people who went out were Tyler, Luke, Jonathan, Ryan, Evan, and Brian. They all got the strengths, minds, and soul of being capable of beating the monster but of course Marcel would also be compatible with the job but he chose to stay instead. Just making sure to keep Craig protected.

"So, while we all wait, how about we play a little game of truth or dare?" David suggested with Lui gleaming out in delight as he clapped his hands. Marcel just frowned as Joe and Craig decided to join in the small fun. It was pretty rare when all they do is hunt, search, hunt, search and so on. "I go first," David announced, searching around the room for a candidate and lucky enough, he chooses Brock. The others snickered as Brock gulped but slowly choosing truth. "Truth," Brock answered, sitting up straight, trying not to show on how nervous he was. "Is it true... that you had the hots for a certain Irishman?" David wiggled his eyebrows as he watches Brock slowly getting flustered before glaring back at David. "I... kinda?" Lui and Craig clapped their hands together, totally not fangirling over Brock and Brian...

"Hmph," Brock huffed and crossed his hands, David laughed nervously as Brock leaned dangerously next to Lui. "Lui, truth or dare?" The American asked a hint of a challenge was heard in his tone as he watches the shorter teen fumble with his fingers before wildly sighing, "..Truth," Lui spoke, "What? Lui, you aren't a wuss now are you?" Ignoring Marcel's remark, the monkey just kept his eyes trained on the eagle-winged teen by his side. Brock placed a finger on his chin as he did the thinking motion before grinning back at the teen. "You and David are getting a little bit closer together, don't you think?" Brock's sudden evilness spread around him, as eyes watched Lui making the teen fully conscious about everything around him. The male took a deep breath before exhaling out in defeat, "yeah... Me and him are getting closer by each day." Lui blushed on his own words, not exactly thinking straight when the words went out of his mouth."Will you look at that! A monkey blushing, how impressive." Marcel stated as he smirked on Lui and David's embarrassment. Brock, Joe, and Craig snickered as they watch the reddened monkey stutter in his own words whilst David kept silent in his seat. 

Lui slowly regained his composure and glared at Marcel before pointing, "You! Truth or dare?!" sitting up straight with a snug look on his face, Marcel had dared to tempt the fellow monkey. "Dare, I ain't a wuss." The boy spoke while Lui stood up and pointed over a hot sauce by the side, "I dare you to chug that shit." Joe, Craig and Brock sweat dropped, unsure if they could do the challenge that was being told for Marcel. Marcel shook his head, grinning wildly, "now that's a dare!" He cheered, walking over the sauce before opening the cap. "Mar... Be careful," Craig spoke, his curly hair getting moved against those puffy white, dog ears.  Marcel gave Craig a thumbs up while he used his tail to hold the sauce before forcefully squeezing, letting the red unsafely liquid drip out.

No sooner, Marcel was chugging down the whole sauce, Joe and David had glint in their eyes as they cheered in chorus, "Chug, Chug, Chug, Chug!" They chanted. Brock took a hold of Craig who tried to stop the darker toned boy from finishing the whole bottle. Lui's mouth was agape as he watched Marcel head on his challenge with no hesitation. Slamming down the bottle, Marcel's body was quick to react on the flaming sauce that drown his whole throat making feel like a fire just started inside of him. He rushed over the bathroom, quickly throwing up all the sauce from his mouth. Lui laughed, watching as Craig hurriedly took milk out of the fridge, pouring it over a glass for Marcel. David slowly sunk down in his chair, mentally noting himself to never anger the monkey.

Marcel walked back, still wildly scratching his throat, his eyes and face were all red when he literally ran for the milk that was presented by Craig, finishing the whole thing with one swig while Brock gently patted his back with a sympathetic smile.

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