+8 A Summary Before Summer

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A Summary Before Summer




Brown eyes opened up, wiping the trail of drool from the corner of his mouth. He looked up to be met with the teacher's gaze, Evan nervously smiled before waving at the teacher, "Mornin' Teach..!" He gleamed. The entire class erupted in laughter, the teen awkwardly scratched the back of his neck as the teacher kept her glare on the young man. "Mr. Fong, why are you sleeping during my lesson?" She asked, irritation seeping out of her voice as she crossed her arms. Evan glanced over at the corner of his eyes to see Tyler and Jonathan motioning for him to 'get'em back.' So Evan sat properly, raised his chin up high and crossed his arms, "Then why did are you teaching during my nap time?" The students around the class hollered in laughter once again, others yelling 'ooooooooohhhh', while he heard some whispered, 'oh snap!'. The grin on the Canadian's face didn't last once he met the face of his very furious teacher. "That's it, it's detention for you young mister," She declared as the bell rang. Students were fast on zipping their bags and running out the door. Evan only sighed as he stood up and prepared himself for an hour of sitting in silence.

After detention, Evan got out of the room to be greeted by Lui and Brian. "Hey guys," Evan greeted back, they did their epic handshake before laughing it off. "Jonathan told us what happened," Lui began, Brian proudly half-heartedly hugged Evan as he chuckled, "Honestly Ev, I wish I was there to watch Mrs. Grimss expression." The brunette spoke, the three reached their next class seeing David outside, waiting for them. The tall teen huffed, unsticking himself from leaning by the door. "Took ye long enough." His Irish accent polish over as he pushed open the door inside the classroom. The four guys sat by each other, whipping out their textbooks and placing it in front of them to cover the phones they would be using for the duration of the class.

Lil' Monkey: You guys heard the news?"

Beer Leprechaun: About Lil' Diggy getting laid? Yes.

Dumbass Cunt: Focking sake's, who changed my nickname?!

Beer Leprechaun: That's for naming me a leprechaun ya cunt.

Dumbass Cunt: you did sound like a leprechaun! Jonathan even classified it,

Evan chuckled at his friends' antics whilst he occasionally glanced over the teacher to make sure they weren't getting too suspicious.

Lil' Monkey: Yes, but seriously, had you guys heard that Luke and Christine broke up?

Owl Nighter: I called it. Brian, you owe me six bucks.

Beer Leprechaun: Aw fuck!

Dumbass Cunt: It was already obvious! Luke deserves better.

Badass Hell Joined The Chat

Badass Hell: are you guys seriously talking about me?

Lil' Monkey: We gotta find a topic to pass on time somehow,

Badass Hell: Ey, Fuck you!

Beer Leprechaun: Hey, at least now you got a chance.

Badass Hell: Yeah, I'd probably ask them out this summer.

Dumbass Cunt: What? Who?

Owl Nighter: There you go making David curious all over again,

Evan could hear David pestering Brian on who they were talking about, he snickered before glancing over the messages,

BatPig Joined The Chat

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