+6 The Work of Magic Transformation

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The Work of Magic Transformation

Sun ray peaked through the curtain crack, hitting on Evan's face and slowly producing heat and light. Groaning a bit, Evan pushed himself up the makeshift bed, stretching his arms before lazily getting up. Sneaking past the sleeping bodies of Jonathan and Joe. He slowly walked down the steps, stretching his arms forward and passing through the living room and into the kitchen. Starting the coffeemaker, he decided to brew himself a coffee. After a few minutes, Evan hummed softly as he slowly sips on his freshly brewed coffee, enjoying the warmth around his palms. He then decided to stay over the living room when something in the corner caught his eye. A feather. "What the heck? Is there some sort of bird that got in last night?" He muttered to himself, trying to scratch the back of his neck, the hairs on his arms then stood up when he felt something rather hard. Catching it with his hand, he tried to pull it inside when he felt a sudden yelp, letting go of the damn thing, he turned around to see more feathers behind him. He gulped once he heard a flapping sound behind him, staring straight at his reflection from the window, he was able to make out wings. Actual fucking bird wings.He rushed towards the bathroom mirror, sweatdropping his forehead.


The loud crashing of glass and followed by a scream woke the entire crew up inside the cabin. Joe instantly fell off from his bed, groaning at the pain from the back of his head. "Joe? Joe!" Jonathan called out to his friend, Joe gave a little whine before slowly opening his eyes, he glanced up to see Jonathan's worried face and a... tail? Why was there a tail? Sitting up slowly, he glanced back at Jonathan while rubbing his eyes. Oh no, did he hit his head too hard that it's making him go crazy? Rubbing his eyes for ten seconds, he finally understood that there was no mistake. Jonathan does have a tail! A striped dark grey and light grey, a pair of raccoon's ears were twitching above his head. "Jon... what are those?" he pointed the ears out to his friend who still got shock visible on his features. "What about you?? Why do you have a tail???" Jumping to his feet and turning back, he caught a glimpse of a fuzzy curled up tail behind him. He then reached out on top of his head and felt small round furry ears.

They both looked in horror and ran outside the room to see everyone back over the living room. Joe stopped a few steps behind Jonathan and observed as his friends freaked out about their half-animal forms. Luke, Evan, and Brock were both arguing, he watched as Luke's fox tail swayed side to side and his furry fox ears twitched when Evan would suddenly flap his owl wings. Brock's eagle wings were neatly folded behind his back. Joe's attention then turned towards Brian, Marcel, Lui, David, Tyler, and Craig. Marcel and Lui's were quite similar. Both have monkey tails with Marcel's quite longer than Lui's, a bit of brown hair growing at the sides of their face with Lui's got a tiny cute curl over the forehead. The case is similar to David and Craig's, the two got dog tails and ears. Craig had a medium-length curling up, white, extremely fluffy tail with a pair of small, fluffy, white ears. David, on the other hand, got a brown-ish, long and less fluffy tail with a pair of sharp, attentive, brown ears. And the two seemed to be stuck at a staring contest...

Tyler and Brian were also arguing, more about their looks and less about the situation. "Look at me! I have hooves for legs!" And no shit he does... He's almost like a stallion--wait, scratch that. He's a Sagittarius. Tyler huffed, his pig ears moving along his bouncing curled up pigtail. "Uhh...guys? What happened?" A voice asked taking everyone's attention from the top of the stairs. Ryan was fiddling with the end of his grey hoodie, long grey bunny ears twitched as he slowly stepped down the stairs. "Ryan?" Jonathan called out, walking towards the teen's side. As Ryan stepped down with Jonathan guiding him to sit down, they both pass the three who were arguing earlier, now staring at the small, round, fluffy bunny's tail. Joe followed a suit, his squirrel tail bouncing up and down as he took a seat next to Ryan.

Luke cursed underneath his breath, "alright, just what the actual fuck is going on?" Evan started pacing around the room, trying to come up with a possible reason for their transformation. "It has to be that lady we saw yesterday," Brock answered, remembering the chanting of words. Tyler's eyes widened as he suddenly rushed out the backdoor, the guys quickly following behind him as he retraced the steps he took yesterday. After a few turns, they stopped at a small run down hut that looks like nobody had been staying in for a decade. The tallest teen began banging his fists on the rotting door, his brown hair getting all messed up. "Open up! Open the damn door woman!" He called/yelled, "Wait, so you know her?" Craig asked, stepping forward to Tyler's side who slowed down. "Yes- No,-I don't know..." He breathed out before stopping. "Great, so we got a creepy witch watching us, a whatever kind of shit this is... What are we gonna do?" Brian stepped in, his hoof kicking on the small rocks, Lui stepped forward, raising an arm upwards indicating that he's asking a question.

"Go to the cops?" he suggested, "No. We can't." Evan answered, pinching the bridge of his nose while giving out a sigh, "Why can't we?", Luke stepped up, glaring on the shorter one, "You want us to get shot at? Who wouldn't be freaked out with our looks?! And what are we going to tell them? That we woke up like this shit??!" He exclaimed, crossing his arms and huffing, this is when David decided to cut in between Lui and Luke, trying to cut out and stop an unwanted fight. "Look, guys, until we figure this out, let's have breakfast first," Joe announced, with Jon holding Ryan at his back. The others agreed, not realizing a pair of grey eyes watching them up close.

Brock help up a plate with bacon and eggs, leaving the dining table and heading inside the living room. He silently smiled to himself as he took a seat next to Brian who was forced to eat in the living room with his stallion lower body taking up a lot of space. Brock then volunteered to sit next to Brian so he won't feel lonely. Ryan kept his gaze from the dining room before facing back Jonathan with a smile, "What's up Ry?" Jon's blue eyes followed his (boy)friend's gaze. Ryan just giggled, "nothing... just glad that the two are getting along just fine." He answered, his own hazel eyes staring back at Jonathan, not noticing Luke's painful gaze in front. Marcel took all of his strength to stop looking jealous as Craig and Tyler happily conversed with each other. Why should he? He and Craig aren't dating so he has no absolute reason to be jealous over his tallest friend.

David pout as he wildly wagged his tail around, earning a chuckle from Lui who held up a spoon towards the half-dog, half-human friend. Evan smiled at his friends' actions, glad that they're not dwelling too much about their current situation.

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