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Seriously? what's taking Jin too long to talk to this guy. yeah when he handed chae's phone,by his looks, i immediately noticed he is Jin's ideal guy. by now i think jin is giving out his phone number to him. i never thought things would go pretty fast around them. actually, jin and i have the same taste towards a guy. i want someone who is exactly my opposite. and i can see that in hobi. jin likes someone as happy going as him. this hobi guy exudes that vibe towards jin. sht i should stop thinking about this hobi guy. he might be in the middle of jin and me in the future. yeah, i think in advance. 2 steps ahead. ALWAYS.

"what took you so long? we're already starving" i said as he catches his breathe when he reached us. "it's not that you care about the time yoongi" he answered "yah right, but you know i hate waiting" i replied irritated. "then you should've left me" he answered and it pissed me. this ungrateful child. talking back while the three of us waited for him literally this whole freakin day. "just shut up already" i said and rolled my eyes. "stop fighting already" said another pissed namjoon. "hey guys stop.i know every ones been acting up since we're already starving let's go eat our lunch".

at the canteen,jin and joon picked our lunch. they very much know how our taste buds go. they always do this. we have our roles on how we take care of each other. yeah we're a strong bonded fam. our food arrives. "yey! food is here" chae happily said. i smirked with her cute reaction. oh our baby princess. or prince? oh well she's both. "eat everything on your plates" joon reminded us. "yes pops!" i teasingly replied which jin and chae laughed and joon just rolled his eyes. "so about this hobi guy, you gave him your number awhile ago right?" i asked jin. he swallowed his spoon full of vegetables and answered while his mouth is full. "yeah,seems like it. he's cute" he said. then drank his soda. he reached for his phone in his pocket, scrolled a few times and showed us his screen. "look what he texted me! is this for freakin real? does he hit on boys too?" he asked with eyes wide open. "maybe he does" joon said. "what if he really does? what would you do. as far as i know, he may pass as your ideal type" chae said as he sipped his strawberry milk. "but i think he may pass for yoongi's type as well" she continued. i chocked over my water "oh yeah he is" jin replied. "yeah he may pass but i don't know him yet and i have no plans of ruining what you and him started awhile ago. also i'm still not into dating someone. you know i'm still not over top." i explained myself. "i forgot to mention, i heard top will be in our school for his final year since he was forced by his parents to move here because most of the children of their colleagues study here." i was very shocked by this information and bloody mad at joon. "and why the hell did you just said that now?!" i shouted at him. everybody looked at our direction. "hush up you guys. everyone's staring at us." chae reminded us. "sorry yoongi, you know i always forget things. i just remembered when you mentioned his name. and you know how busy i got with our family trip i forgot everything" i felt how sorry he is. he's really forgetful and we actually hate it. we always have to remind him if his things are complete or if he lost something. "fine. i just hope he's not in our other class. that would be totally awkward" i blurted out as i drank my water. " i think he will be back to 3rd yr since his old school and our school have some different curriculum. he might have some same subjects as ours but i don't know if we will also have the same class" joon answered. i face palmed "i think i'm screwed" i sighed. "hey we're here to back you up!" jin assured me. " i know but can my heart handle it? you know how heard headed we both are. i hope we don't clash and see each other here in school. i don't want to ruin  my last year" i said with a sad tone. "everyone cheer up! let's not rush into conclusions and think about the present. you haven't seen him yet so don't bother thinking about him. focus on your moving on so you can handle it when you see him. now let's go finish our food and go to our usual place. i really want to take a nap" she smiled at us. "oh you pig!" jjin shouted at her. "your pig!" he winked at jin. jin grabbed a piece of her hair and pulled it teasingly. "aww!" chae shouted as he slapped jin's shoulder and they both laughed which also made me and joon laughed. oh this kids...

-oh were you surprised by this new character? AHAHAHA yay! i'm so excited to where my story is going hihihi 

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