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I saw him waiting. he waved his hands when he saw me and flashed a smile.
   "About yesterday, well I would like to explain" he started
   "why would you explain?" I asked him like I don't even care a out his explanation.
   "It's because I rejected you when you asked me for dinner. I really have a dance practice that night but hwasa,that girl you saw me with suddenly called me and that he needed me and said it was an emergency. But turns out she was just fooling me. And I can't go back to my practice since they're already starting." He continued.
   "You don't have to explain to me hobi. It's not like asking you to have dinner with my friends is a big deal." I turned his way and looked him in the eyes. Kinda pissed  yes I was a bit mad at him last night but I still don't know why he has that effect on me.
   "I have to jin. I don't want you to freak out. But I'm bisexual. And I like you jin. Just before last school year ended. And my friends accidentally bumped into your friend and I happened to be behind and saw chae's phone. And you were this kind hearted person who talked to me. I had a hard time thinking if I should approach you but I got that chance yesterday and blew that chance off last night" he admitted. My eyes are wide from his revelation. I kinda like where this is going but I'm still afraid of commitment. Like I want to try but I don't.
   "Oh wow" is just what I said the looked away from him and stared at my hands in the table.
   "I know you'll freak out" hobo said as he shook his head fast then rubbed his temples while looking down at his feet.
   I held his left hand and squeezed it. He stopped and looked my way. Our eyes met. "I'm not freaking out. I'm just schooled that you like me. And I just thought you like me but you're with a girl last night" i told him.
   "Hwasa is the daughter of my parents colleagues. They wanted me to date her for business purposes so as to widen and strengthen their wealth and connections." He admitted while still looking at me. He removed his hands from mine. Then he intertwined his hands with mine. I looked at our hands. Then looked at hobi. "Hwasa knows I'm bisexual and it is not an issue between us if I flirt or date guys. She also dates girls she is bisexual too. So our set up isn't that complicated. We are trying to date at time or hang out but we will never marry. It's just for our parents. Hwasa and I are just friends" he continued.
   "I did not saw "just friends" last night" putting emphasis. And I think I may have said it with a jealous tone. Hobi pulled out intertwined hands behind his back pulling me a bit closer to him.
   "I sense jealousy" he said and smirked. My face near his. I tried to pull my arms but he doesn't let go.
   "I'm not jealous" I said pissed.  I kinda like that with our position,his body is pressed into me. I wonder how his hug feels. We both stared in each others eyes. I broke off our eye contact since someone might see and judge us.
  Hobi returned our hands on his right leg just under the table for no one to see. "I don't know if you have a thing for guys too. But jin, I really like you. If you would allow me, I'd start showing you. Just let me get the chance to know you more and for you to know me. Just give me a chance" he pleaded while rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb. I love how it feels when he holds my hand.
   I stared at him. "Convince me if you can" were just the words I told him. I pulled my hand then stood up and walked away from him.

I immediately ran up the rooftop where me and my friends always hang out. I sat on the bench at the most left corner. And as I look straight, I saw someone sitting across me from the most right corner of the rooftop. He was staring straight at me. I can't clearly see his face but I can see he has a nice figure and he has this strange aura. I saw him stood up and walked slowly towards me. As he walks, I can see him more clearly. Black hair,slim. He's wearing a loose white tshirt tucked in a black ripped jeans and he's wearing a brown beanie. He's also wearing eyeglasses . He is now in front of me. Wow this guy is really good looking! He showed me a boxy smile which is very cute and pulls out his hands from his pocket and stretched it in front of me. While his other hand scratches the back of his neck .
   "Hi! My name is taehyung. I saw you across the rooftop and thought about introducing myself. I'm a transferee student and I'm sure I could use some friend" he giggled. His smile made me smile too.
  I took his hands and shake it. "My name is jin. I'm a 4th year business student. I could maybe help you around. It's not like we have tons or work loads now." I smiled. "What is your course?" I asked him.
   "I'm a second year business student." Oh. That explains why he's here. We are studying on the same building. No one dares to come up here since they know this is somehow our territory. We could add some new blood and heir for our territory. I'm liking this kid already
   Taehyung sat beside me. "Please take care of me" he told me with a childish voice.
   "Cute" I whispered to himself which i think he heard
   "You're cuter. You're also pretty and handsome. I like you!" He told me while giggling still flashing his boxy smile.
   "You're so childish know that?" I asked him while laughing a little.
   "I know. And I'm also good at making friends. But somehow I can't find friends here. You're my first. And being my first friend here. Let me tell you a secret." I'm shocked at how open he is when we two just met. But I like his personality. I like him.
   I giggled and asked "I'm good at keeping secrets and winked at him"
   "I'm bisexual. And like I told you a while ago, I like you. When I saw you from across the rooftop I'm just planning to be your friend but now that were up this close  maybe I want to be your boyfriend. But I won't rush into things. I want to know you better. I really like you! Please don't freak out. I'm really like this. Childish, talkative and very open to someone I really do like. Please don't take back what you said that we can be friends" he said and closed his eyes like I was going to hit him. He's super cute. I like how childish he is like I want to take care of him. Yes I can consider him as a little brother but with his confession, I don't know anymore.
   I pat his head and pulled down his beanie which covered his eyes. He pouted then smile. "I'm not taking it back. I want to be your friend. I like how you're so open with your feelings. I still don't know about us being boyfriends but I really like to be your friend" I told him honestly and he frowned.
   But after a second. Smile creeps up his face. "I'm going to be your boyfriend you'll see!" He said while giggling. He pulled my arms and wrapped his arms on mine. And rest his head on my shoulders. I just let us be like that. No energy for fighting with this kid
   "You're very bold and expressive" I whispered
   "I'm also clingy too" he suddenly lifts his head and kissed me on my cheeks.
   "Mmm soft" he whispered as he again rest his head on me. I felt my cheeks blush.

What a day I just thought to myself. I let us stay in that position for another 10 mins. Then I told him I got to go now. He nodded and said he could use some more minutes in the rooftop. I nodded and went on my way


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