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  First week of school is about to end and I'm avoiding hobi ever since he told me he wants to be my boyfriend. I'm scared of the stares and what other people might think of me. No one knows I'm gay except my closest friends.
  I'm getting along with this taehyung kid. I kinda enjoy his company. Sometimes he is annoying and I want to shut him down but he still finds a way to go near me. He already knows my friend. Everyone loves him especially chaeyoung. Joon likes him too. Sometimes I can see taehyung trying to flirt with yoongi because he told me he's interested in mysterious guys.
  "Hold hands with meeeeee!" Tae told yoongi while pouting. We are at the rooftop trying to rest.
  "I don't want to! It's hot. I don't want my hand to sweat" yoongi told tae pissed. They were seated on the long table near the door of the rooftop.
  "I'm holding it and you can't say no!" He protested and grab yoongi's hands while yoongi resisted. They were like wrestling until taehyung gets a good grip of yoongi's hands. Taehyung stick his tongue out towards yoongi.
  "Aish!" Yoongi said irritated. And didn't try to take his hands out since taehyung will just fight with him all over again.
  "I thought you want to be my boyfriend? Why are you holding hands with yoongi?!" I told taehyung while I put my hands on my hips.
  "Can't I have both? Actually I have you all. All three of you my boyfriends and chaeyoung my girlfriend. For short you're all my bestfriends. I love you guys!" He said with a boxy smile. All of us smirked at him because of his cuteness. We let him in inside our squad since first, we need a successor for our titles and territories and second? Well...he's the only person who had some guts to interact with us this way. He was never intimidated with us. We like how comfortable he is with us and vice versa. There's something about him. And yes, we treat him as our boyfriend, bestfriend, but mostly as our youngest brother. He treats us as his boyfriends and girlfriend for chae most of the time. He's the sweetest thing ever. We can't pollute the mind of this kiddo.
  "I'm going to the convenient store, do you guys want to buy you something?" I asked
  "Banana milk!" Tae shouted first while caressing yoongi's hand
  "Strawberry milk!" Chae said as she raised her hand
  "Mine is chocolate! Buy some junk foods too" join said
  "Iced coffee for me" yoongi said while playing with tae's hand too. Something fishy i can smell. Someone's going soft for this kiddo.
  "Noted guys! I'll be back" I told them as I waved my hand and walked down the rooftop and then used the elevator since we have 4 floors in our building. Plus 1 because of the rooftop.
  As I exit the school premises pass the gate. Someone hugged me from behind which stopped me from walking. My eyes widen in shock as I feel someone's breath behind my ears.
  "Have you been avoiding me? Just let me try. I'll show you how much I like you." It was hobi. He was panting and catching his breath like he really ran after me.
  I don't know how to react. I want to hug him but at the same time run away too. I can't handle this drama. I'm afraid someone might see us. Yes we're always the talk of the campus. But not this kind of topic.
  I took his arms away from my waist and I ran outside the school. As I ran forward, i reached the stoplight. I saw him still running after me. It was an orange light about to turn green. I took my chance and ran before it turns green. I didn't notice a speedy motorcycle approaching.

  Darkness. Why can't I see something? Am I blind or what? All I can remember is I'm running away from hobi
  Someone hugged me from behind which stopped me. My eyes widen in shock as I feel someone's breath behind my ears.
  I'm back to the school where hobi hugged me.
  "Have you been avoiding me? Just let me try. I'll show you how much I like you." It was hobi. I remember wanting to hug him and running away from him.
  But this time I don't know what happened to me. I swat his arms around my waist. I suddenly turned around and hugged him as I buried my face on his neck. He hugged me tighter.
  I like the warmth of his embrace. I like this situation.
  There was a lot of people looking at us. I hear them saying nasty things about us.
  Hobi pulled away from the hug and faced me. He cupped my face. "I know you are worried but please listen to me. What matters is you and me. Not them. They are just jealous they are not dating THE Kim seokjin. Just believe in us. Trust me" hobi said and then slowly pressed his lips against mine. That time I trusted him. Like all my worries just disappeared. I just kissed him back. In front of everyone, the whole campus. It's like the whole world is judging me right now but I chose to trust and believe this young man in front of me which for goodness sake I've only known for a week.
  Everything suddenly went blank and black. But I am slowly seeing the light. I blink my eyes. Adjusting to the  bright surroundings in front of me.
  I look around and saw hobi, joon, yoongi and chae. Where's taehyung I wondered. All look tired. The three boys whose backs are all against the walls while seating on the couch sleeping. And chaeyoung sitting on a chair beside me holding my hand.
  I try to move and wake them up but I can't. My body hurts a lot. I really can't move. I groan. Which made chae lift her head and saw me. Her eyes all red and puffy like she was crying for days.
  "Jin! Jin! Thank God you're awake!" She shouted which makes the three boys open their eyes, jump on their feet and ran towards me.
  "How are you feeling?!" Joon asked me while holding my hand. All of their eyes are red and puffy like chae's.
I again tried to sit to meet their faces.
  "Awww!" I cried in pain
  "Don't move you idiot!" Yoongi shouted at me.
  "What happened?" I asked. Realizing I'm in a hospital and I think I got some few cuts all over my body and a bondage wrapped around under my chest.
  "This asshole" yoongi started while he pointed his fingers towards hobi.and hobi's head dropped. "Told us he saw you then he hugged you but you idiot started to run!" Yoongi continued pissed.
  "You were hit by a motorcycle. Thank God it's just a motorcycle or it could have been worse!" Chaeyoung added.
  "You got a few cuts here and there but most of all, some bones from your ribs are fractured." My eyes widen with all this info.
  "You were unconscious for two days now" joon added.
  "Oh God.where's my parents? And where's taehyung?" I asked them
  "You're parents are in a business trip but cancelled and I think they'll be here in a few hours" yoongi answered
  "As per tae, he has classes. But he's been coming. He'll be back later." Chaeyong said.
  "Wait. Is this tae you're talking about Kim taehyung?" Hobi asked with a concerned look while all our eyes are on him
  "Yes" I answered. "Know him?" I added.
  "Yes" he said. I felt a sting. Why do they know each other.
  "Must be one of your boys eh?" I asked. Jealousy in my voice. even I'm shocked of my tone.i felt my friends' eyes on me. Might be thinking the same thing as I am. Well I might be jealous but only a little. My dream must've added on my emotions.
  "If you're talking about Kim taehyung in second year business department then yes I do know him well." All of us are confused. He took a deep breath. "Taehyung is my brother" he continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2019 ⏰

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