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I took the stairs to chims' apartment. Yep it is on the 18th floor but sometimes I want to use the stairs just to warm up my legs. As well as to give myself time for my thoughts.

I arrived on the 18th floor. From a distance I saw someone exit the apartment of jimin. I don't know who he is because of the distance. But his built and aura is familiar. Who might that guy be? I rang chims' doorbell.

The door opened. "What now?" Welcomed by a pissed jimin. I raised my brows. "Jungkook is here. He hasn't told me yet why so you better tell me hoseok" he told me while I entered the door and changed into my slippers. I immediately saw jungkook sitting on the couch in front of the TV holding a beer on his left hand. "Why can't you wait for me to tell them?!" I shouted at jungkook. "Did you also tell lisa and jennie already?" after my question, the door bell rang again. And I have a strong feeling these are the people I'm asking him about. Jungkook gave me a nervous smile. Jimin once again opened his door and to no surprise, the two girls went in. They immediately went to the fridge and got their own beers then sat beside both sides of jungkook. Lisa on the left,jennie on the right. Jimin sat on the left side of lisa. All eyes were on me "spill the damn tea" lisa demanded. I went to the fridge. Got my own beer then throw my bag on the floor.i turned off the TV. I sat on the floor in front of the four. "So you two girls remember the girl you bumped into awhile ago?" I asked. "Yep! She's our crush  chaeyoung!" The two giggled. "So he is with three other boys. And one caught my attention.his name is jin." I felt their shocked stares. "Yes the very famous Jin! You know I've been crushing with him since before summer. To make the long story short we got each other's numbers th-" I was cut off "that instant?!" Asked jimin. "Let me finish first! No interruptions!" I shouted "so we got each other's numbers. Then I think our classes ends at the same time. We saw each other at the comfort room had a little chit chat. He asked me to have dinner with his friends. I said I can't because I have a dance practice tonight. So ending,he saw me at the fast food I brought hwasa in. I acted coldly and acted like he wasn't there. Now go tell me I'm a huge dumb ass" I closed my eyes and prepared for what they are about to say. I hear nothing so I slowly opened my eyes as I open it everybody threw their pillow at me. "Stop it" I screamed as the pillows cover me. "You dumbass! Why create that kind of excuse then bring that girl at a fast food to eat not thinking jin and his friends might be there!" Jennie shouted at me. I can see four angry and pissed faces. "Wait. Hwasa is the girl your parents set you up with right? For family business thing?" Jimin asked "yup! She's the one" I answered "uhm so why are you with her?" Jungkook asked "well you know I don't like being forced into someone. But I admit I got to like her because she's really good in bed. She knows when I need something so I can't let go of her" I honestly told them "you play with so many girls so why stay with hwasa? so how about jin? What do you feel about him?" Lisa then asked. "Well after playing with different girls, it's just nice to have someone I can fvck with any time I want and not try to look for it because she already knows my needs. Well, no much feelings attached but I kinda like her company. It's amazing how we both have the same lifestyle about you know what. Friends with benefits guys. That's our set up." I answered "so when did this start?" Jennie asked "about a month now.just this summer" I said. "So answer my question about jin!" Lisa shouted "you know that before classes ended last school year,he got my attention right?" Everyone nodded "but I can't seem to find a way to approach him since he is with his friends and I don't even know if he likes guys too. He's also very famous and I'm just a nobody compared to him. So I don't think he'll notice me . So I started to try things with hwasa. But awhile ago when you two..." I pointed at jennie and lisa "bumped into chaeyoung, I got to talk to them since chaeyoung dropped her phone and I handed it back to her. I got to see jin up close. And I really think I must know him. I want him" i said with a determined voice. "So why reject the dinner date?" Jimin asked. I sighed "I really don't know" my head dropped low feeling pissed at myself for rejecting his invitation. "I really gotta see hwasa because my needing is building up just thinking about jin. I really don't have a date with her tonight but I need to release this or else I don't know what I can do to jin. He's triggering my senses" I told them as I still looked down at the floor. 

I'm a bipolar depressed nymphomaniac. Or that is what I call it. One day I'd do this,next day I'll do the other. One day I want this, tomorrow I don't want it. I flirt with girls in the morning and fuck guys in the evening. I fuck girls too. It depends in my mood. Jimin is taking psychology for pre-med to somehow know where I am coming from and how to help me and others who are like me. And will be in a med school after. He still don't know what his specialization will be. When someone asks him what his course is, he'll always say he's taking up medicine although he's taking pre-med first. I call myself a nymphomaniac but my doctor says aka jimin, that I'm not that of a nymphomaniac but I do love sex and have it anytime anywhere but the thing is, I can control myself.

"Are you drinking your meds?" Jimin suddenly asked. "Not anymore" I slowly looked at him. "How about your brother?" He asked too. "I don't know. Taehyung just do whatever he wants." I answered "I'm more worried for your brother" he admitted  "let's talk about me first" I said pissed. "You know where always here for you right? Never ever  hide things from us. Feel free to tell us anything. The best medicine I see is for you to have someone to tell everything to without being judged..." he paused "and that's why we are here. You can always count on us" he said and smiled. I smiled too because I do agree that they are my best medicine. Well of course not for the nymphomaniac but for the bipolar issues, anxiety, depression and such things I go through. "Thank you guys! I think I know what to do. I'll never know if I never try. I'll make it up to jin" I told them determined "how about hwasa?" Jennie asked "she's just there for my needing. I can take care of her" I answered. That night we just drank and talked the whole night. Not thinking of our morning class because we can all go to class early cause we're that responsible with studies. We might look rebellious but we do take our classes seriously.

The next morning. I texted jin to meet me at the student lounge. I told him I'll wait for him. He did not reply. I was waiting for 1 hr 30 mins and my anxiety was already building up. When I saw jin enter the door of the lounge. I really had a big smile when I saw him. I want to rush to him and hug him tight but of course I can't do that...yet. he was about to sit in front of me but I pulled his arm and gestured for him to sit beside me.

"About yesterday..."I started

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