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we're now on our favorite spot in our school. actually there's two. 1st is the rooftop of our business department building. next is the highest spot in our school track. we can see the athletes train whether basketball,volleyball,track and field, etc. it's a cloudy day so we decided to come here instead of the rooftop. we like to watch people do their own thing. Actually i dragged them to go here because i wanted to see someone. His name is Jimin. my three friends know how much i liked this kid. he has a beauty all genders love. his face is that of an angel. so ethereal. He came from a rich family, he is studying medicine, he is a junior of mine. he's in his 3rd year. ever since he came here during his first year,and i on my 2nd, i already saw him. going out of that black limo. everything went slow-mo. wind brushing his hair out of his face. god i still remember that scene. ever since, my day is complete whenever i see him. i don't even know how i manage to hide my feelings. but last summer while i'm on my trip with my family, i became anxious of not seeing him everyday. my summers before don't feel that way because i know anytime i can go outside jimins house or i can bump into him at the mall. but this time i was forced to go overseas. What bothers me and made me feel excited was that one night, i was scrolling through his social media. all of his accounts are public by the way. i was scrolling through his twitter and saw his tweet "i wish i could see **** for even just a day. this summer sucks. i hope he'll follow my accounts and i'll go all private" while i'm reading it i accidentally liked that tweet. i was about to unlike it but i know he's online and already knows i liked he's tweet. i really don't know what to do. only my twitter was public and everything was private. after a minute, i received a notification which read "chimin followed you" and i was very shocked. i don't know what to feel i'm too excited and happy. mixed emotions you guys. so i immediately followed him back. i received another notif that someone dm-ed me. it's jimin.

 "hey thanks for following back!"-jimin

"no. thank you for following me haha"

"no worries" he said. oh no! i don't want this conversation to end just like this. think of a topic joon!!!

"oh btw,did that lucky girl of yours followed all your accounts already?" I dared to ask even though i'm afraid to ask

"uhm, kinda...but not all accounts yet" my heart was stabbed. it hurts. i was kinda feeling he was talking about me.

"that's good for you! :)" i said coldly.

"yeah thanks! uhmm...joon?" woah there, im kinda nervous of this.

"yes? you need something?" i asked

"i was just wondering if i could follow your other social media accounts? :)" wait! my heart is beating so fast. oh this kiddo. what are you doing to me.

"sure you can! that would be nic. i'll follow you back too" sht we're now social media friends! we may not be talking in school or more like ever but maybe we can be close in my final year. 

fast forward to today. "so tell us about that baby of yours. i won't be agreeing to take my nap here if it wasn't for you and that cute boy" chaeyoung said teasingly bumping my arm. "well...ever since that day we added each other in all our accounts, we have been talking almost every single day. until last night. i texted him this morning but he did not reply" i said with a sad tone. "i wonder how it feels talking to him in person. i haven't seen him the whole day" i continued. "the day isn't over. maybe he'll practice here now" jin said while tapping my shoulders. " i hope so." i replied hesitantly. "oh there he is!" yoongi said excitedly while pointing towards the bleachers. i saw him. his face is serious like he is looking for someone. he is in his training clothes. he's a track and field athlete too. i love those skinny yet strong legs of his. i was watching him seriously. our eyes met. OUR FUCKING EYES MET! what to do?! he smiled to me ever as brightly and i smiled back to him. i whispered to my friends "oh god i think i'm dying" and they all laughed and hit me specially chaeyoung. i notice jimin looking at my friends laughing. his smile disappeared and i saw him sat down and put on his running shoes. i think he thought we were making fun of him. oh no my precious kiddo!

-comment if you're waiting for my every update. please save this book too! 

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