3. Go For The Head

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"Bruce gave him a sedative." Rhodey announced as he walked into the room Rachel, Steve, Carol and Natasha were in. James was currently resting in one of the other rooms and Bruce was heading over to tend to him.

Carol had fully managed to do the impossible and somehow calm Rachel down. Natasha clearly noticed that Carol seemed comfortable in what she did around Rachel. It was clear she was using a technique that was familiar to her. Steve though was the one to figure out that it was a technique she probably used on her father seen as she was constantly being compared to her father.

"You guys take care of him." Carol softly demanded, her arms crossed over her chest as Rachel and the rest looked towards her. "And I'll bring a Bezurian elixir when I get back." She added and then began to leave the room, her arms uncrossing as she went.

"Where are you going?" Steve instantly asked, his hands stuffed in his pockets as he asked the question everyone wanted to ask.

"To kill Thanos." Carol stated with no sign of stopping as she left the room. Her pace and demeanour showed nothing but confidence and determination.

Steve, Natasha and Rachel all shared confused glances towards each other before glancing back towards the hall.

"Oh, well that's not happening." Rachel mummers before the three and Rhodey followed Carol rapidly.

"Make sure she doesn't keep walking." Natasha told Rachel who nodded as they slowly caught up to Carol who didn't look ready to stop.

"Hey!" Natasha called as Rachel sped in front of Carol with her speed, her hand out in front of her to make her stop. And to Rachel's surprise she did. Carol spun around to face Steve and Natasha as Rachel placed her hands on her hips. "You know, we usually work as a team here and uh, between you and I the world's a little fragile."

"We realise up there is more your territory but this is our fight too." Steve acknowledges for Carol as Rachel stepped forward so she could look Carol in her eyes instead of the back of her head.

"Maybe more so than yours." Rachel added, keeping her voice calm and collected as Carol turned her head towards the person she currently trusted most in the building. "We did know the locations of two stones after all."

"Do you even know where he is?" Rhodey then questioned, his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the doorway.

"I know people who might." Carol answered firmly as she glanced up at Rhodey.

"Don't bother." Everyone turned to face Nebula who stood at the other end of the room. "I can tell you where Thanos is." She informed confidently.


Everyone moved into the conference room minus Pepper, Tony and James who were in the infirmary. Nebula leaned against a nearby doorway near the desk Natasha stood beside. Steve stood beside her as Rocket stood by Nebula with his arms crossed over his furry chest. Rachel stood near Carol who watched the group. Rachel could see her confident stance in the corner of her eye which contrasted Rachel awkward and uncertain one as Thor sat at a table behind them as he fiddled with a bread roll. It had been the second time anyone had really seen him that day. Bruce and Rhodey stood behind Natasha by a few feet, them observing the matter rather than being apart of the overall conversation that was now taking place.

"Thanos spent a long time, trying to perfect me." Nebula began, her arms comfortably relaxed against her torso as she spoke her uncomfortable on her father: the Mad Titan himself. "Then when he worked, he talked about his great plan." She continued with her husky voice filling the room. Rachel gazed at Nebula with sympathy, noticing the almost bitterness that was hidden beneath the shallow voice. "Even disassembled I wanted to please him." Nebula admitted, her pitch rising slightly. "I'd ask, where we would go once his plan was complete? His answer was always the same." Nebula explained, moving from her perch and walked slowly towards the conference desk in front of her.

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