Im Sorry

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Louis POV


Hey Lou, lets go on a date tonight Xx

I sighed ignoring the text but I knew if I didn't answer he would come over, but I just didn't want to talk to him so I pulled the covers up to my chin and laid there staring at the blank wall, I had asked Zayn to keep Henry longer because I didn't want him to see me upset.

I've must've dozed off because a soft knock on the door woke me up, I was still half asleep so I didn't know who it was.

"Come in" I managed to croak out.


I sat up running my eyes, I looked at the door and saw Harry holding a bouquet of sunflowers and a box of chocolates. He was wearing black skinny jeans with brown boots that he could only pull off, a White Eskimo hoodie and his hair in a bun, again that he could only pull off.

"What do you want Harry"

"You didn't answer my text so I got worried and now I'm here" he explained while putting the items on my end table and him sitting on the bed at the end.

"I just didn't want to answer your text"

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Nah, you're mr. Perfect so you never do anything wrong"

"Louis what wrong, we are together. I don't want any secrets between us"

"Well maybe your fiancé won't keep secrets unlike you"

"Fiancé.. what are you talking about?"

"I saw you last night at the ball room building, you proposed to him and you even KISSED!"

"Louis. That's never happened."


"Lou! I was practicing with him so I could ask you to marry me!"

I just looked at the expression on his face, I could tell he was telling the truth..


"I was there to practice my dancing and practicing what I was gonna say to you. Louis I love you and everyday I regret not saying I do five years ago. Louis when I walked into that bakery and I saw you I knew I had to do everything to get you back. I had planned a date tonight to ask you to marry me, but now all of this happened so I'm asking. I'm sorry-"

"Yes I'll marry you, but what about the kiss I saw"

"Babe, I put my thumbs over my mouth, he wanted to practice I would never do that to you or our family"

"I believe you love and now I get to marry you, but please do not run off this time"

"I won't I promise hon"

Well it looks like I just gave into Harry Styles.

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