Leave Me Alone

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Louis POV

The date with Harry was amazing aside from our trip to the hospital, Henry is still doing fine. I help clean his cuts everyday and Robin is back home but he is bed bound. Robin keeps blaming himself for what happened and he thinks we don't want him watching Henry anymore.
Today I was gonna go see Harry since Henry is staying with Zayn, spending time with Harry has made me realize that I'm still very much in love with him.

I put on some grey Toms and grabbed my phone, I walked out of the house and walked to Harry's.
It was almost August so that meant it was still gonna be hot up until November. The walk to Harry's was always short because it was just a straight shot from my house to his dads. I knocked on the door and I heard a faintly come in, I walked in and saw Robin laying on the couch with his leg on a pillow and his arm resting on his chest.

"Hey Robin"

"Oh hey Louis"

"Harry home?"

"Yea in his bedroom with his manager"

I just gave him a nod and quietly went to his room cause I didn't want to interrupt them, I was about to knock when I heard Harry start talking.

"Paul, Louis means nothing to me, neither did the date. I'm only with him so I can get to know my son."

I felt my heart drop to my stomach, I knew Harry like the back of my hand. When he says something he means it. I opened the door, both heads snapped over in my direction.

"Hey Lou, I was-"

"Stay away from Henry and I, if I really mean nothing to you then stay away"

"No! Louis wait-"

He got up and rushed to me, I backed up slowly tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Get the fuck away from me! I can't believe I trusted you again! I never want to see you again."

"Louis please..."

"No! Stay the hell away from Henry and me, just go back to LA my life was better when you were thousands of miles away"

I ran out not even saying bye to Robin, I can't believe he said that about me, I thought we were patching things up.

I ran to the park and sat on the swings letting my tears fall.

"You are so stupid Louis."
I whispered to myself.


Harry's POV

"LOOK WHAT YOU CAUSED!" I had yelled loudly at Paul.

"Boy chill out!"

"Because of you I just lost the best person in the world"

"If people found out you were gay, your album and your career would go down hill, and if you would like to stay with Sony Inc. then I suggest you that you pretend you don't care about that Louis kid. Get that last song finished and get your ass back to LA."

And with that he left my room, what he didn't know was I had already finished the last song, and I will tell Louis everything. I'm not losing him again and I'm definitely not losing Henry.

I walked downstairs rushing out of my house ignoring my dads shouts. I knew Louis wouldn't go back home, every time we got into a fight he always ran to the park so I ran there instead.

And just like I thought there he was sitting on park swing. I softly walked up to him and knelt down to his level so it was easier to talk to him.


He shot his head up

"Go away Harry, I told you to stay away from me"

"Look what you heard was a mistake, I didn't mean it"

"Harry I know you... you mean everything you say"

"No! Paul told me to say that so he could send it to his boss at Sony Inc. he told me that if I didn't he would cut me off of my contract"

"I don't know what to believe-"

"You most said I mean everything I say so I mean this, I'm telling the truth"

"Well it was obviously you wanted to keep your contract up so you said awful things."

"I will end the stupid ass contract if that means I can be with the most important person in the world, I'm not losing you and Henry again I already lost you both once... be mine Lou forever"

"It's about damn time you asked me, curly"

I leaned in placing my lips on top of his, moving in sync I put my arms around his waist and lifted him off the swing. I managed to stand up holding him, we pulled apart to catch our breath but my cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so much.

"I finally got you back"

"Well I'm telling you now, if you leave you are taking Henry and I with you"

"Of course, now how about we go see a movie since we don't have our kid"

"Sounds good but chose a movie we don't want to see" Louis jumped down smirking at me.

"Why? Would- ohhhhhh anything for you Lou"
Louis POV

I had sat through the terrible movie alone because Harry had to go to do an important thing, I trust him I really do but the first day we got back together and he is already running off. I was now walking through the town when I walk past the ball room house, where people go to for every town event. The light was on and I got confused because it was always closed exactly at 8:00 and it was almost 11:00. I looked through the window and saw Harry dancing with a shorter blonde with hazel eyes, he was wearing a black polo shirt and some Nike shorts, he was also wearing some old Nike shoes. I just watched them dance...

"Was this what so important that he left me hanging"

I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Harry get on one knee pulling out a ring and what I'm guessing is asking the other dude to marry him... I felt tears start to form in my eyes and my heart break, he had been with another boy and to make matters worse, they kissed. I can't believe I trusted him again, I ran off and went home locking the door, I then ran up to my room locking the door.
Harry's POV

"Was that good Sam"

"Amazing Harry, he is going to love it. Uh young love. This time Harold don't run off"

"Trust me I won't, I better go I have to set up some stuff for tomorrow night."

"Bye Harry"

"Bye Sam"

I had just finished my last dance lesson so in case Louis does say yes I won't fall on my ass at our wedding. Sam insisted that we practice the kiss, which was weird but it was practice but because I felt bad I put my thumbs over my mouth so it wasn't a real kiss. I went back home and went to bed.

Tomorrow I was gonna propose to the man I love the most.

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