The Big Day

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Louis POV

"What if he backs out again or runs off I can't go through this again"

I was rambling to my best friend/ best man Zayn, today July 31st is the day I'm marrying Harry. I was nervous to say the least, but I was just afraid he would run off again.

"Bro calm down Niall is making sure his ass stays in this church, and stop bouncing your knee because one I can feel the damn building shake and two I'm pretty sure your baby is getting bumped all over the place" he had replied chuckling.

I got up and went over to the mirror to take one last look at my final appearance.

"Hey big bro"

I turned and saw my little sister Lottie, I wrapped her in a hug cause I haven't seen her in a while.

"Hey Lots, where is rest of the family?"

"The twins are watching the twins in the front row"

I saw tears form in her eyes and I knew why.

"Do you think mum and Fiz are here?" She had asked to sorta break the silence.

"Of course they are, they are always with us I promise we will see them again some day"

"Could you imagine what Mum would say if she knew you were pregnant again"

"Yea probably would say Louis William Tomlinson I'm to young for you to keep making me a grandma. But Fiz would be excited to spoil the new baby I mean she did it with Henry"

"I miss them Lou and since Fiz passed the older twins stepped up to take care of the younger but they shouldn't have to they are only 15"

"Lots I promise you I will be there for you guys to help"

"No! You have a husband and children take care of , Sam and I can handle this"

I didn't say anything else I just pulled her into a hug and made sure nobody was crying because I was already gonna cry standing in front of the love of my life.

"Yo! Lou it's time." Zayn has called out letting everyone know.

Niall was up first walking and standing behind Harry then it was Nick which I really didn't want him here but I allowed it anyway, and lastly was Liam. It was now time for my best man/ bridesmaids. So it was Zayn, then Lottie, Fiz was gonna be in the wedding but since she passed I had the idea of putting a picture down of her so she still could be so that's what Lottie did.

I had Daisy, Phoebe, and Doris our flower girls mostly because that's what Harry wanted so they walked down the aisle throwing roses when they go to the front I had all of them stand on Harry's side, lastly was the ring barrier and that was Ernest and Henry . Although we actually didn't give them the rings I wanted all my siblings and my son to be apart of my special day.

Soon the music started playing and soon I walked out holding some flowers, I was wearing a suit but you could see my bump, I saw Harry standing there all cute, I walked down the aisle looking at people smiling and already crying. He grabbed my hand and held it never taking his eyes off of me.

"We gather here today to marry Mr. Harry Styles and Mr. Louis Tomlinson to become one"
"Do you take Louis Tomlinson as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do"

"And do you Louis Tomlinson take Harry Styles as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do"

"Well by the power vested in me I pronounce you husband and husband, Harry you may kiss your handsome groom"

And with that he dipped me down and kissed me, I couldn't help but smile we were finally married after all these years. We pulled away still both smiling.

"Hey Mr. Styles" "Hi Mr Styles"

We both walked down the isle everyone that was in the wedding following after so we could go take some pictures.

I was finally married to the famous Harry Styles.

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