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A/N: So this is a requested fic. The OCs belong to their respected owners.

"I don't remember much about my creators, it's mostly a blur. Sometimes I can make out the images and piece them together. Like one time I remember playing with Orion Pax as he spoke about his beliefs in a peaceful and majestic Cybertron. I remember my carrier tickling me after I started crying and Orion soothing me into recharge with his words. But the thing that will always haunt my processor is when I was suddenly awoke by my sire and hidden and the last memories I had of both of my creators where their screams and pleas. They saved my life that day and so did Optimus. He found me and took me in, raised me as his own. He became my sire as the autobots in his team became family. Everyone has supported me through the times I have wanted to make Megatron pay for what he did not just to me but our home, our beloved planet. My names Shade, daughter of Optimus Prime and I will see this war through"

Before Cybertron died

"I don't get it Arcee, it's been cycles and Optimus still hasn't given the order to infiltrate Helix. He knows that's where Megatron is based and that captive autobots are being taken there, including Elita-One" Shade spoke through her comm link

Arcee had been assigned by the Prime to a separate mission while others went out with Optimus on the scouting mission upon Helix. Since Optimus Prime had found the young femmebot alone in her home he had taken it upon himself to look after her. He became her sire, caring for her and teaching her all that she needed to know and particularly protecting her against the war that begun. Since having watched the death of her creators she has had the fighting ability to battle against the decepticons hoping that one day she may make the warlord pay for killing her creators.

Shade had significant memories of that day. It was the day that her family was torn apart and when she gained a new, much bigger one. She grew up knowing of Orion Pax and was awestruck when she learned he had become a Prime. The purple and pink femme although was enraged by the horrific memories of her creators deaths was actually honoured to have been taken in and taught by Optimus and since then they had grown very close as a father and daughter would. "We all feel the same way Shade. Optimus is doing what is best for us, for all we know the place it a ticking time bomb and we could walk right in to it. It's better that we get all the information we can before storming Helix" Shade sighed as she knew that Arcee was right, as usual. The blue femme had gone on a scouting mission leaving Shade and her two friends behind in the base with Ratchet. A small clicking on her comm unit alerted the three femmes to the end of the conversation Shade and Arcee were having.

"Elita-One was taken from Optimus and brought to Helix, you really think that he doesn't feel the same way Shade? He's just taking precautions - for everyone sake" Nightblade spoke up. She was stood by Shades monitor with Skylight as they watched their best friend pacing back and forth in thought.

As Shade paced the two femmes set their optics on a small trinket that was the young bot never took off from around her neck. It shined in the light the colours of blue and purple which signified Arcee and Shades close friendship, their sisterhood. "Why would he leave us here?"

"To protect you. All Optimus ever does is for you Shade" Skylight was sure she knew where this was going anyway.

"And all I ever do is for him and my family" Shade looked to the both of them, determination in her optics "I'm going in"

Skylight and Nightblade exchanged looks before nodding to one another, coming to a silent agreement between the two. "Then we are with you" they spoke in unison. Immediately they crept out of the room being as silent as they could, knowing that Ratchet -being the stubborn uncle he was to Shade- would stop them from leaving if he knew what they were up to. Shade made small hands signals to the femmes behind her which they understood quickly as Nightblade took a small ring from under her torso and threw it at the far corner of the room. The silence that filled the large hanger seized as a loud ringing came and distracted the medic from his duties at the main monitor. It was then that they took the opportunity to sneak around the back and out of the base transforming quickly to put some distance between the grumpy bot and them.

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