Chapter 3

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"My liege, I cannot make further progress with the femme. Her processor is much more resilient to the mind wipe" the voice that she absolutely despised rung in her audio receptors. Shockwave seemed a little on edge which meant that Megatron was giving him a hard time, though she didn't care. Shade was cautious as she began to wake up, knowing that she had passed out from the over whelming change that she had endured. Her optics flickered as her vision soon returned. Quickly she noticed Shockwave working at the monitor at the other end of the room, he had yet to notice that she was awake. Looking up at the screen she saw the predacon that was in bi-pedal form and he was attacking other bots that she couldn't quite make out.

Though as she focussed more on the screen she just made out the figures of two mechs that she knew very well that were being pummelled into the rocks of the cavern that they were in. Her spark pulsed hard as she saw that they were having a hard time against him. Having been transformed into a predacon herself she now knew the damage she could do along with the evolved predacon, her strength had more than doubled and she felt as though she could take more hits then she previously could. If this was how she felt then she could hardly imagine how strong the predacon was especially as he had some experience using his strength. Her vision was still a little blurred so she couldn't quite make out the autobots but it didn't matter who they were specifically but it didn't matter. The decepticons could experiment and torture her as much as they wanted but she would never stop being an autobot at spark and that meant that she would fight for them whenever she could.

As she continued to watch the monitor that Shockwave must have left on, anger began to boil in her circuitry, the depth of emotion allowing her to fully recover from her sudden discovery. Her optics allowing her focus on the two mech that she immediately recognised as Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus. Two members of her family that she cared about dearly. It surprised her more that Wheeljack was willingly working with her Sire's Lieutenant seeing as the two of them were completely the opposite - Wheeljack being more laid back and fun while Ultra Magnus was more serious and willing to share his experiences with her.

Though she had admit that the two where handling the Predacon quite well but they wouldn't be able to hold him off forever and there was an obvious intention to kill emanating from the predacon.

At that thought Shade reacted her strength building the more she was awake to get used to it. She noticed as she struggled that her bonds had gotten stronger, it seems the decepticons weren't going to risk her getting out again, the Cyclopes scientist then noticed that she had awoken. "Precautions have been taken to ensure that you do not injure yourself before you are ready" at his words she spat and the urge to get out and aid Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack grew even more, so much so that she felt her body shift and move. It seems that the transformation sequence has gotten more sensitive to her emotions now. Luckily for her: her tough armour snapped her bonds off allowing her to pick herself up from the berth as she did she noticed that she was on four legs instead of two and she felt taller and powerful in her knew form. Shockwave took a couple of steps back knowing that it would be useless to try and fight and restrain her again.

Taking particular notice of her new form in the reflective metal of the monitor she noticed that she was shaped just like a dragon, large dark pink wings that looked too big to fit in the room where folded on her back so that she could fit into places easily. Taking a look at the monitor again she saw the predacon crush Ultra Magnus's servo leaving him injured and vulnerable, at the sight of this Shade swung her beast form around making her tail smack into the decepticon scientist so that he went flying into the wall, not that she cared. Luckily the wide door to Shockwaves lab was big enough for her to fit through as she ran out of the gloomy room she had been experimented on and down a long corridor that she knew would lead the room with the ground bridge in having been kidnapped and brought about the warship before. Any vehicons that she passed she immediately pounced on using her strong jaws to rip off their helms and leave their lifeless husk of metal behind. Luck was still on her side as the only decepticon that was on duty at the ground bridge controls quickly ran away at the sight of her in fear leaving her to work the controls. The young autobot tried to transform back into her bi-pedal but nothing happened so she hurried by pushing the activation button seeing as the screen still showed the previously used coordinates which she hoped was where the predacon was with her family.

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