Chapter 4

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Shade recognised where Predaking had taken her the nanosecond that they had emerged from the ground bridge; well really he had dragged her through not giving her a choice in the matter. He had taken her to the same cavern where she had fought him to protect her family. It crossed her processor that he perhaps was going to get revenge for her letting them go but then again Megatron had given him permission to carry out their plans which she seriously doubted was to kill her, not after all their trouble of changing her in the first place.

They had bridged on the far side of the cave so she was trapped by Predaking, his form blocking the way out so she couldn't try and run away from him. He pushed her down on to one of the large rocks that had fallen during the previous battle as he took his time in making his way over. Shade picked herself up her body aching from where she had fallen against the hard surface. As she did her wings spread open flapping to help her upright. Just as she was stood on her own two legs the large mech approached her and pushed her back against the wall, restricting her movements so she couldn't push him away. A gasp escaped her mouth plates as he drew his own face closer to hers which made her feeling really uncomfortable, she could feel the warmth of his body radiating off and on to her. She heard the small jingle from her necklace that still firmly held its place around her neck, its blue and purple colour darkened by Predaking close proximity to her.

"What...What are you doing?" her voice was uncertain as she tried to back off further from him but she was completely restricted by the wall behind her and the predacon in front of her.

He locked optics with her and saw that she was fearful of him which confused him. The femme was fine around him earlier and now she was scared. "Following orders" his reply was blunt and without emotion but as the young autobot looked at him she could see that there was more to it than just following the warlord's commands. It seemed as though he was hiding his emotions, trying to push them back so that he could act without problems in this case create a new army for the decepticon cause that he could lead.

Before she could say anything else Predacon brought his face closer to hers and connected his mouth with hers. Shade immediately directed her face away but he was able to kiss her again deepening it to which she screwed up her face in disgust having gone through something similar with Starscream before on Cybertron but back then Optimus had managed to intervene before things got worse. This time the Prime wouldn't be there for her, he didn't know she was alive let alone on the same planet as him. Seeing where things were going with Predaking sliding his servo down her sided she used her strength to push back away from her. Her blue optics filled with horror as she understood now what Megatron had in mind.

She gasped out and she made sure to stay away from him. "That's your orders! Don't you want to be free from Megatrons command, free to do what you want?"

At her words Predaking didn't advance further, he kept his distance from her. His processor going over everything that he did want. Though he hadn't been online as long as others he had thought about where he wanted to be. To mate with a femme that made his spark pulse at the sound of her voice. To be able to lead other predacons like him peacefully without conflict or need to spill energon. It was everything that Megatron didn't want, if anything Megatron would see him as a threat, but it was the autobots that destroyed his brethren and they had to pay for that.

His distraction seem to make him unaware of Shade as she took this opportunity to shuffle around him but he noticed before she could get far from him. His servo violently reached for her arm where he swung her around and pushed her down on to the rock. She gasped as he threw himself on top of her, his servos feeling down her shape and his digits smoothing down finding her sensitive areas and massaging her wiring. Although it sent a pleasant sensation throughout her body she was not willing to give in. Flailing her arms she tried punching him away but his right servo reached up and took both of her servos and held them above her helm. He kissed her as his interface panel slide open, his cable ready. Predaking moved his free servo to draw circles around her panel as he tried to gain access while his denta bit down on Shades lip plates.

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