Chapter 10

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Shades optics onlined slowly, luckily the light was still dim in the room so she wasn't blinded by anything as she awoke from recharge. She noticed the berth in the middle of the room was empty and immediately remembered the previous night's events. She smiled remembered Predakings warm embrace after she parted her wings. His soft and gentle touches as they kisses and his servos ran up and down her armour plating massaging her. Those sensations made her relax into his touch so much more. He had pulled her against him even more and they had fell into recharge in each other's arms on the floor in the corner not long after. "You're beautiful" Shade heard his voice softly speak out and she noticed that he was looking directly at her. Her helm rested on one of his arms while the other was draped over her waist protectively. Shade smiled at him and brought one of her servos up to stroke along his cheek.

"You're too cute" she replied to him as he nudged his faceplates into her touch even more. She made him melt at the touch and his spark pulse a little harder. The thing that Shade loved most about the previous night was that he didn't force her. Not like Megatron wanted; he had happily told her that that wasn't what he was looking for.

"I could wait an entire lifetime for you and nothing would stop me from being with you" the femme chose not to say anything back. Though she would happily admit that he made her happy and he was the reason that she could bare being around decepticons so much but there was still something missing; her family. He would never understand and she very much doubted that he would get along with them. What scared her is that she knew that eventually she would have to choose. The time would come where she would have to decide whether to go with her family or with him. It scared her because she didn't know what to do, she didn't know what her spark really wanted.

She could practically hear her sire's wise words speaking to her. As much as he loved her and she loved him she knew he would want her to be happy. He would tell her that no matter what she chose he would always be there for her. His voice was literally in her audio receptors thinking about him. It had been so long since she had been with him and the others as a family but in all that time she had grown. Changed not just physically but mentally as well; Shade had learned so much from this experience that now she was a much better bot. Her fighting had improved significantly and she was now much stronger.

Shade was pulled out of her processor when a loud knocking came from the door "Boss we got energon out here" it seemed that Skylynx was one to ruin a moment.

Shade pulled herself up allowing herself to stretch and wake up properly. Predaking followed opening the door gesturing for Shade to go first. She smiled at his kindness and as she walked past she quickly reached up and planted a kiss on his cheekplate. As she pulled away she felt his body significantly warm up which she couldn't help but giggle about. Moving out to the main room Shade noticed that Skylight and Nightblade were in deep conversation with the two mech predacons. Skylight having taken a shining to Darksteel and Nightblade having taken a shining to Skylynx.

Predaking noticed the energon cubes on the side and was the one to move over and grab the last two and returned to Shades side. Handing one of the cubes to her she gracefully took it, offering him a smile. "Thanks"

The two stood there together for a while sipping their energon while they watched their partners. It was a content moment seeing the four cybertronians engage and show interest in one another. For a little while all of them seemed to forget where they were or who was aboard the ship that commanded the mechs. Shade couldn't help but notice that both her friends were closing the distance with the mechs obviously feeling more comfortable with the company that they now had. Though she failed to notice that her behaviour was the same, her body unconsciously scooting closer to Predaking. Only until their servos that rested at their sides touched and they could feel each other did the two of the take a step away from the other.

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