Chapter 8

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It had been a couple of hours that Shade watch over her two best friends as they recharged beneath her on the floor while she had taken her prime spot sat on the side staring out the window. She had noticed that they had shifted as close as they could to her. Even in recharge the new predacon femmes knew that they were being watched over and protected by Shade, just as she had promised. Her processor was on high alert particularly now; it would be more difficult for her to escape as well with her two friends in the mix and they didn't know their own strengths yet which made the whole situations even harder. Shade knew that had to rest, she had been through what they were currently going through but they needed to learn as well and fast if any of them hoped to get to the autobots and not be killed or abused in the meantime.

As she stared out the window Shade couldn't help but lust for the feel of the air under her wings, they had been kept tucked away for far too long and needed a good stretch but the room wasn't big enough for her to stretch in beast mode only in bi-pedal form. Though looking down to Skylight it looked like the room was the right size for the small femme and her beast mode. It was a while that the femmes remained that way, Shade watching the sun set from where the shop was high in the planet's atmosphere.

She couldn't help but wonder what her sire was doing, wonder what he was thinking. Of course it was obvious that Optimus wanted her back and he probably thought about her often but was he that desperate that he would try to launch an attack on the warship. Would he try to bargain for her life? She knew her sire and in with his love for her he would. Things were complicated now though; Optimus didn't know about Skylight or Nightblade which meant that something very valuable would need to be exchanged for the three of them but even so Shade wouldn't let him do that. As much as the femme wanted to be with her sire and family, she was of much more use to the autobots as a spy inside the decepticon ranks.

Shades processor was then driven away from her thoughts as she heard the door to Predakings room unlock and shift open quickly. Her optics darted to the mech that entered the room. Skylight and Nighblade must have been light rechargers as they instantly woke up from their slumber at the smooth sound of the door sliding open and they quickly flinched away trying to get away from whoever had entered the room. Obviously they had yet to get over their experience in the lab under Shockwaves watch as they tried to get away from any decepticons that came near them. At their reactions Shade immediately felt protective and quickly jumped up from her perch transforming mid-air and landing in front of her friends. Her beast form growled as the mech came closer into the light more so she could see and as he did Shade stretched her wings out as far as she could in the restricting room to threaten him further and that was when he stopped. The predacon femme could then make out the sleek form of the decpticon communications officer that revealed that he was holding two energon cubes that he had brought for the new predacon femmes. He held in the energon in his extendable tentacles and could see that Shade was being protective. Looking past her he saw the two femmes that he brought energon for looking scared of why he was in the room as well as looking quite astonished at the femme in front of them. He moved slowly now not wanting to get the wrong impression raising his servo up showing that he wasn't a threat but Shade begged a differ.

It was Soundwave that had fought her and taken her aboard the Nemesis and she bet that it was Soundwave that played the part in getting Skylight and Nightblade as well. Most bots feared the silent mech mostly because he was smart and good fighter; you never knew what he was thinking and his actions were unpredictable. There was a moment or two where the two remained still looking to each other though it was a little harder for the femme considering that she couldn't lock onto his optics seeing as they were hidden behind his visor. He moved slowly still raising his other servo, it didn't seem like he was there to do anything other than give the new femmes some much needed energon but that didn't mean that nothing was put into the energon.

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