Chapter 1

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Planet Earth was a place like no other. There was beauty in its naturally occurring landscapes with its flora and fauna roaming freely. The humans didn't see the wonders and where so quick to destroy it all but the world didn't seem to let the organic destroy all that it was. There was hidden secrets still within it all and all would be revealed to only those worthy of them.

The planet was beautiful in Shades opinion, there was so much to see and the organics that lived on the planet were very peculiar. They had so many customs and rushed around every day instead of taking in each day they had. The organics had no idea how lucky they were to still have their planet, hers was gone and wasn't coming back. She couldn't remember much of the last remaining moments before Cybertron went dark, mostly just the traumatising parts. Her memory core couldn't help but replay over everything that happened. She remembered fighting off decepticons as she tried to gain access to an active ship to get to an escape pod so that she could get off planet. She didn't even know if it was still there or whether the decepticons had poisoned it so much that it crumbled to pieces and was no longer existent.

Speeding through the country land Shade made sure to keep a watch on her rear while she could do nothing else but think as far as she knew she was all alone on the carbon based planet. It had been a couple of hours since she had crashed on Earth, her pod heavily damaged and beyond repair so there was no way she could use it to transmit any kind of distress signal. When she had crashed she scanned the closest vehicle she could find that she felt fit her before driving off just in case her arrival caught any attention, the kind she didn't want, of course she was well aware that decepticons were here too. She remember this sector being stocked on energon just in case the worst shoulf happen which meant that if her home really was gone then the sector was riddled with decepticons. She had driven carefully through a small town, using her holoscreen to not attract attention to a bike with no rider. That all now lead her to this point cruising along as an Aprilla RSV4 in hopes of somehow finding her sire. Wherever he maybe.

Optimus Prime might not be her biological sire but after everything he had done for her in the days of the war he practically was her sire, he had promised to find her so she wasn't going to give up hope that he was searching for her. Both of them would move planets to get to each other.

Shade had no way of contacting Optimus or any other autobots and considering that they she had not been greeted by them she guessed that they didn't have any clue to her current location, which was only going to make things harder for her. It wasn't just her sire and the rest of her family that she had lost contact of with, there was also her two best friends as the planet crumbled and died. She wasn't one to leave friends behind but after what had happened she knew they would be fine with the others on the other side of the ravine that had opened up right where they were stood.

She was quite glad having not landed in a populated area, the last thing she wanted to do was attract attention from the organics. She had to admit that she was enjoying her quiet ride along the country road though she wouldn't mind some company. Perhaps that of her closest friend that she was practically her sister; Arcee.

Shade could imagine the both of them cruising along the long road together as the sun reflected in their armour plating. The competitiveness of both femmes meant that it would be expected that if they were together at that precise moment then they would definitely be racing each other. Trying to show off their moves and prove who was faster or better.

However, she just made her biggest mistake as she lowered her guard and her thoughts deepened. The autobots were her family how could she not think of them? How could she not miss them and envy their company? Her speed lowered which provided the perfect opportunity for those watching her.

Before she knew what was happening Shade was being fired upon from the air. Electrical blasts sounded from behind her and the only thing she could do was swerve to avoid being hit. As she evaded the incoming attacks she couldn't help but shift her mirrors to get a good view of who was attacking her. Immediately she identified him and shuddered at the next thought that entered her processor. "Laserbeak. Where's your master?" she spoke to herself and regretted the desire to have company for this was not what she had in mind. Pulling out wide Shade began thinking of a plan.

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