Chapter 6

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They were alone now. All decepticons that were in the mine were now offline and chances of her being captured again were still quite high considering that she hijacked the ground bridge to escape but Predaking seemed to understand her need to leave which meant that any attempts she made to escape wouldn't be met with his hard, cold fury. It would be Megatrons.

It didn't stop her from remained where she was stood looking at her sire and not believing that he was there and that he knew it was her. Her spark caught seeing how his form had changed; he had become bigger and bulkier than before making him seem that more powerful. He moved forward again but with caution and Shade didn't blame him. In a swift action she jumped up and transformed into her bi-pedal mode gracefully landing on the ground again. Her wings she tucked into her back as she gave in to her greatest desire. The femme threw herself at Optimus her arms wrapping tightly around him and he did the same. The both of them making sure that this was real and not some hallucination - that the other would just suddenly disappear on them.

Happiness filled their sparks. They were together again. He had vowed to find her and he had after so long they were reunited again. No words needed to be said as they seemed to forget where they stood in a decepticon energon mine. The both of them couldn't help the lubricant that leaked from their optics "I...I've missed you so much" Shade stumbled on her words as she tried to get them out while processing all her emotions that she felt at once.

"I have missed you dearly, Shade" his voice was much the same. Still commanding and yet calming and sensitive at the same time. A voice she could rely on; particularly when the darkness was confining her. "I'm deeply sorry that this had happened to you. That I couldn't save you" his digits brushed over the predacon symbol that was shown on her chest. That was when she broke away from their embrace and looked upon it herself.

"It hurt so much, but now I'm more powerful than ever. I can use that to bring the decepticons down" she sounded confident, showing her place in the war. Making a stand that it didn't matter what Megatron did to her she would always be an autobot. She met her sire's optics and could see all the emotion that he had somehow kept in check in her absence and now it was pouring out; it was obvious that he wanted to hold her close and never let her go. Something told her that there was no way that Optimus wouldn't be over-protective of her from now on. "Has Ratchet upgraded you?" her curiosity got the best of her seeing her sire appear so much more powerful and bigger than before.

He cocked a smile seeing how she hadn't changed on the inside even if she had physically. She was still his daughter and will always be his daughter. "I was mortally wounded when preventing Megatron from finding the others on this planet when out base was discovered" he gasped hearing that her sire had almost died in her absence. She wouldn't even have none either since she was held by the decepticons. "However, a young recruit, Smokescreen, was able to pull me to safety and retrieved the Forge of Solus Prime that repaired me and gave me more strength to take down Megatron's fortress" Shade stretched out her wings as they felt stiff being kept folded behind her and Optimus ran his servo along one of her wings as she allowed him to he continued to talk to her, his voice soft and gentle "Megatron has gone to new lengths now that he had tried to revive Cybertron in his own image and cyberform this planet. All the while he had you and had the predacon growing under Shockwave's watch"

Shade's fist clenched at the mention of the decepticon scientist. The one that had turned her and had a lack of emotion in his processor and spark. But then there was the unexpected that emanated from her spark and that was the mention of the beast that seemed to have a soft spot for her now and she had come to see him as more than something that should be feared and thought of as primitive.

"Megatron is ruthless; he wants to use Predaking and myself to breed a new army of predacons"

Optimus heard of this little scheme from Arcee but didn't want to believe that such a thing would involve his daughter but this was the decepticon warlord they were dealing with which meant that anything was possible and they should always be prepared for something new that would disgust them further than Mgatron already had. "Is Predaking aware of this?"

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