Chapter 12

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She was running. Her peds were taking her where she thought was right. Well for the time being.

Passing through the dark corridors Shade had to jumo over the bodies of offlined vehicon troopers that littered the floor. It was clear that Predaking and his two predacons were powerful and that no ordinary trooper was going to stop them. If they were to be stopped it would have to be by a skilled opponent. Either Soundwave or Megatron she guessed would equally be good against them but it was three, soon to be four on one.

Skylynx and Darksteel hadn't been online that long so they wouldn't be as good as either Predaking or Shade in a fight just yet. They had yet to learn their own strengths and weaknesses and come up with preferred battle strategies. Shade didn't let up as more and more vehicons were in pieces on the floor. She had fought him while he was angry but this seemed to be totally different. Predakings rage had consumed him and because of that Shade worried. She had been on his place before and knew that the rage made you blind. Megatron could easily use that against him and she hated to think what would happen then. If anything she hoped that she would get there in time.

Only when she came to a little crossroads did she stop her movements. They could be anywhere and with the amount of drones around it was hard to tell which way he went. "Where are you?" she whispered to herself and offlined her optics allowing for her other senses to take over. A few minutes she stood there hoping for some sign of where he was and only as she was about to give up did she hear it. The sound of metal on metal scraping and clashes. Predaking was in the middle of a battle is seemed and she would join him. Shade onlined her optics and followed the noise to the right. She kept up her pace, being careful in case she ran into decepticons that she would have to deal with should they get in her way.

As she approached the noise of the ongoing battle she eased up but stopped completely seeing Darksteel and Skylynx on the floor. She ran to them and checked them thoroughly; venting hard when Shade discovered that they were only unconscious. She gave them a small smile happy that they were still alive. Their armour was a bit beat up but it wasn't unfixable and they would soon come around. "Shade" Darksteel spoke out surprisingly but his voice sounded tired. She could tell that they would both be annoyed to have let this happen to themselves. The femme moved over to him and adjusted him so that he leant up against the wall. She could see that he was just barely conscious.

"When you can find Skylight and Nightblade and get them off this ship" she spoke softly and wanted to embrace him but didn't want hurt him anymore than he already was so restrained herself.

"I will tear you apart!" Predakings rang out throughout the ship and all that could be heard was the sound of metal being hit. Shade quickly picked herself up and sped around the corner to see Predaking charge at Megatron, who looked a bit beaten himself. Predaking used an offline vehicon to hit Megatron throwing him back against the wall. It seemed as though he was doing just as well on his own but Shade wasn't going to let him fight alone.

Just as Shade was about to join the fight she heard the most annoying voice from behind her "ah Shady, you're looking just as beautiful as ever" she recognised the voice immediately of course and took a small glance over her shoulder to see him standing there looking so full of himself. Starscream was focussed on her with lust filled optics that she knew all too well from his previous flirtatious attempts not to mention when he tried to rape her himself back on Cybertron. Groaning to herself she didn't know if she should be glad that she finally got the chance to beat him or annoyed that he still hadn't got the hint. "I think it's about time me and you got better acquainted" she could see where this was going as he moved towards her and she remained completely still. Shade waited until he got really close and she could just about feel his servo on her shoulder before extending her wings out quickly knocking him back into the wall. Starscreams body slamming in the wall and falling onto his hands and knees. He had to shake his helm to regain himself before looking back up at the femme he was so obsessed with but was only met with her beast form. Shade brought her helm down to just above his and roared into his audio receptors. The seekers optics changing from lust to fear and Shade grabbed his legs in her jaw biting down on them and feeling some of his circuits snap a little before she swung around and released him to slam into the opposite wall.

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