Chapter 9

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Shade didn't exactly know how to feel about the new predacons. She could see the clear differences between them as she noted which one was Skylynx and which one was Darksteel but there was also some similarities showing just how prehistoric they really were. It made her processor fuzzy thinking that the once ancient beasts that roamed over their home planet before most life were now existent again and that was all thanks to the Cyclopes scientist in the decepticon ranks that the femme hated so much.

The two quickly transformed into bi-pedal forms as they stood behind Predaking making it known that they had evolved quickly as well and were just as intelligent. Though the full extent of their intelligence was yet to be discovered. "Skylynx and Darksteel this is Shade, Skylight and Nightblade the new predacon femmes" the two mechs nodded and began to approach their optics quickly glancing at her but then drifting to the femmes behind her. Instantly Shades protective side kicked in now that she didn't know what to expect from them. She took a step forward advancing on them as they moved slowly towards them. But she wouldn't let them come any closer in case they presented a threat. Clenching her fists Shade unfolded her wings from her back standing up straight on her peds and stretching her wings out to the sides removing her friends from the mechs sights. Darksteel and Skylynx immediately stopped and could see that Shade felt threatened though they seemed quite impressed by the beauty of her wings that she displayed; particularly where she had access to the limbs in her bi-pedal form and none of them did.

Predaking quickly moved placing himself between the femme and to new predacon mechs that he now led. "It's okay Shade; they do not agree with Megatrons commands like me" me put his servo on his chest. Shade looked between the two not sure if she completely trusted Predakings words just yet but the only thing that did give her reason to question him was that he was still loyal to Megatron even if he did disagree with this particular plan. Her processor raced to think of what to do. She had just got her friends back and she was not going to let anything happen to them now.

Shade shot Darksteel and Skylynx a glare before cautiously lowering her wings; folding them back up slowly so that they sat nicely on her back. She took a step aside and allowed them to move towards Skylight and Nightblade but they didn't move in a threatening tone which made Shade relax a little. Immediately Predaking placed his servo over her shoulder and she melted into his touch, her spark thrumming louder and louder.

"We do not agree with Lord Megatrons idea of femme abuse and swear on our sparks to protect you" Darksteel spoke quietly making sure that he was careful when around Shade. Her overprotective nature meant that they would have to earn her trust before they could act a little more chilled. The two predacons having displayed to Predaking already that they like to joke around a lot. But until Shade really trusted them they would have act more appropriately.

Before anything more could be said Predaking received a com about a guest that was staying on the Nemesis and another arrangement that meant that he was closer with his soldiers. "I am needed elsewhere" His faceplate nuzzled into Shades neck cables which she definitely didn't object to. "Darksteel, Skylynx take the femmes to our new quarters" the two new predacons nodded in confirmation and proceeded to walk the three femmes back inside the warship. Skylight and Nightblade making sure that Shade went first as they didn't feel so confident and were still scared. The pain of the experimentation still throbbing through their internal mechanisms.

Skylynx walked in front of them leading the way inside while Darksteel took up the rear; it was almost as if they were keeping the femmes within their reach where if a decepticon tried to grab them they would be well protected. It was that they were being transported much like criminals would be. That wouldn't cheer them either considering they felt trapped already; they weren't exactly on the warship of their own volition.

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