Chapter 2

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Shades silent form twitched on the berth as it changed and manifested into something else. Megatron had constantly demanded an update on the experiments progress every solar cycle from the scientist as he had put many different chemicals into her body. Each one changing her in different ways and every now and then he would connect her to the ships computer to download data.

Not long ago he was given strict instructions to gather everything he needed to complete the procedure on Shade before transferring her to their main predacon base for the final stages. That way Shockwave could evenly split his time between his new predacon project and the one that Megatron had him begin many solar cycles ago so that his army would be ready quickly though there have been set backs when trying to locate and retrieve predacon bones for the procedure. Now he was focussing on ordering more code for the growing predacons so that they would be ready upon completion for the warlord's uses. He had received a communication link from his master that he would be checking up on progress personally which pleased him as Project Predacon was moving on swiftly and his new project was nearly complete, the scientist only wished that he could make the young femme be quiet as she kept groaning out in pain.

Though Shade was not conscious she could still fill her body changing and her internal works shifting. If anything she felt as though she was suffering through death time and time again.

The Cyclops was about to inject a new solution into Shades lying form when his attention was alerted to his masters arrival although it was him that he heard rather than the pathetic cries of Starscream as he was knelt on the ground before Megatron in a last plea before he was terminated but as usual the seeker was not intelligent enough to look at his surroundings to get the full picture.

"The predacons have almost fully evolved and will be combat ready within 3 solar cycles" Shockwave moved to greet his master, reporting his progress.

"Well done Shockwave. Knockout I'm waiting" he had ordered the medic to hand over the synthetic energon to the scientist and wanted him to do it swiftly. "What progress is our new comer making?"

"She will be ready very soon, my liege. One large dose of cyber nuclei acid and energon that I harvested from the predacon and she was be at your command" Shockwave bowed his head in respect before leading the way to Shade that was lying on a berth at the far end of the cavern. As they gathered around her form and watched Shockwave administer the solution.

Starscream was annoyed that he had not been informed of Shockwaves off site laboratory as well as that Shade had been taken without his knowing and was now being experimented on. Although he had always felt attracted to the femme the decepticon in him found pleasure in hearing her in agony. His red optics widened when, after a little while from the solution being added to her system, her body physically changed. Her armour plating moved on her like liquid metal taking on a new form. She seemed to grow bigger than before, wings sprouting on her back that got bigger and bigger ever nano-cycle. The berth she lay on then began to creak as she got heavier. Her shade of purple became more vibrant in her plating with small pieces of pink spread across her form. Pink tipped spikes protruded from her chest area to protect her spark held within.

At her sudden and rapid change Megatron couldn't help but give a devilish smirk as his plans were succeeding and at this rate he was going to break many sparks; including that of Optimus Prime.

"Shockwave, her compliance with my authority with be coveted. If she does not comply with my orders then she is useless to our cause" the gladiator knew full well that as soon as she was given the chance she would get as far away from the decepticons as possible and try to find her sire.

"Yes, Lord Megatron"

At that point Knockout arrived with his large stash of synthetic energon that he was to hand over to Shockwave.

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