Chapter 13

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Shades wings soon carried her up so that she had a clear view of the Nemesis. She saw blaster fire all over the place as vehicons were trying to defend the ship. She looked more closely not seeing any of the autobots which made her guess that they were already inside. The one thing that worried her more was that she had overheard what the others were dong but not what Optimus was doing. It was then that she spotted Megatron has he jumped up from the ship and swung what looked like a sword down from behind him. Her blue optics widened when she saw that it was no ordinary sword that the warlord was wielding. Its purple blade unleashing a wave of energy straight down to where he was aiming and that was when she saw him. Her spark pulsed harder seeing him again but he was in danger.

Though he was Prime she really shouldn't feel scared for him but she had been with the decepticons long enough to know that they were brutal. They would not spare an autobots life and this fight was to the death. No prisoners. Having heard from her Sire of his change that he had offlined and nearly stayed that way and had felt more fear for him that she normally would. Shade guessed that this was just part of her growing much like how being a predacon and among the enemy had changed her.

Shade watched as the wave of dark purple energy struck Optimus destroying his right wing, this made him unbalanced. Smoke gushing out from his flight boosters on his back. Shade growled watching Megatron fall towards the planet only for him to catch himself by transforming into his jet form. Optimus span in circles moving unintentionally towards the ship before his body crshed into one of the protruding wings. He cut his boosters off and was then left hanging there. The wing being steep but with enough effort he could climb up. She watched as Megatron was about to come around and attack Optimus while he was preoccupied and this was when she acted. Allowing her wings to spread out wide she pushed her weight forward so that she swooped down. Her form falling fast that Megatron didn't have time to register her approaching until it was too late. The femme used the velocity and a last minute lung of her leg to kick the warlord away. His jet mode spinning from the collision as he adverted his flight path away from her. Seeing this Shade focussed on her Sire as he had stopped climbing and had been watching her defend him.

He didn't get a chance to say anything as she hovered up to him and grabbed onto his sides before lifting the two of them up. Optimus being the one to shoot down vehicons that thought it would be a good idea to attack them as Shade carried him up to the Omega Lock. Setting him down on the outer ring. Just as she set herself down with him Optimus pulled her into a tight embrace that she didn't fight. It felt nice and she missed this. She missed him and was glad to be in his company again; she was glad to be fighting by his side. "Shade, it is good to have you with me again"

She smiled hearing his voice. "It is good to be by your side again" they pulled away from each other though Optimus left his servo on her shoulder.

"Earth is in danger, my daughter. The decepticons plan to cyberform the planet" she heard the tone in his voice change to that of utter seriousness as he was asking her to fight with them. She felt honoured but shared the emotion of sadness that they could not make the moment last longer.

"I will fight with you. Megatron cannot be allowed to harm Earth" Optimus nodded to her in agreement and lifted his servo off of her as she took off leaving Optimus where she had put him knowing fully well that he could take care of himself.

It was then that his voice rang through the com link as Optimus spoke to everyone. "Autobots, Shade has joined the fight" she smiled hearing a little cheer on the other side from who she guessed was Arcee and Bumblebee and knew the others were a bit busy to be welcoming her back.

Shade flew up to the flight deck landing down hard that someone must have heard her but she didn't waste time. Shade quickly began running straight into the warship and through the corridors. It was mostly empty; meaning the cons were preoccupied by the autobots elsewhere. Shade moved quickly; destroying the Omega Lock meant destroying the only chance they had had restoring their planet so the best option would be to move the ship away from Earth. Shade had made her mind up about where she would go as she headed straight for the bridge. Hopefully she would find Ultra Magnus and the wreckers and fight with them.

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