Chapter 5

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It was clear that Shade wasn't going back home to her family anytime soon but the fact that she had saved her sister and given herself in to protect them made her feel proud and it got her one more step closer to being with the autobots again. Arcee would have surely made back to the base by now and informed her Sire of who she really is; knowing Optimus all too well she easily guessed that he would be furious at Megatrons recent actions and himself for almost attacking her when he rescued his soldiers in the cave but also leaving her behind. Since she was reunited with Arcee which was shortly lived she had been forced back into the cavern where Predaking was forcing himself on her again. His beast form over-powering her bi-pedal mode as he lay on top of her. Though that didn't mean she was going to give in to him.

When Megatron had ordered him to follow along with their plans she had been confused but now she understood everything. They had changed her and made her compatible to mate with the predacon and breed a new generation of the beasts that would serve the decepticon cause. She knew of femmes being taken back on Cybertron to be used for breeding but this had been taken to a whole new level. To carry an army by herself could kill her and she didn't want sparklings; at least not in the middle of this war. Shade even noticed that Predaking was holding himself back a little like he was fighting himself inside - conflicted between obeying his orders and the goodness in his spark that was telling him that this was wrong. There was no honour in it.

Her spark did reach out to him however, feeling his pain of being lonely. She could see that he needed help and perhaps a friend by his side but he would never ask. As he again tried to forced open her interface panel Shade pushed him off of her and stood herself up quickly taking a bold stance to look firm. He growled out at her actions and moved towards her again but instead of backing into the wall she stood still and stretched out her wings letting out a hiss from her vocal processor. The defensive actions seemed to make him stop and stand there staring at her which made Shade feel a little nervous. Her good willed spark now forced her to reach out to him. "Don't do this; you are better than this, better than Megatron" his bright yellow optics locked with her blue optics as he rumbled "You understand honour better than any decepticon does and you can see that there is no honour in what Megatron is ordering you to do...You know the funny thing about orders is that you don't always have to follow them. I learnt from my Sire that obeying them is one thing but listening to your spark and acting upon it was the complete opposite" the air was silent which only put Shade on edge even more her outer armour shifting a little. "Do you really want a sparkling to be born into this war, your sparkling, to be used like some trained animal that Megatron wouldn't care if it died out in the battlefield?"

Those words seemed to hit him the spark as he took a few step back and transformed into his bi-pedal form. It was much taller than Shade, her height only coming up to his chest. He averted his face plates away before speaking to her in a voice that she didn't expect to be so calm and majestic "I may not be as old as some of you but I do have desires just as much as any other bot does. A dream to be able to lead my own kind without the need to fight"

"Then why do you fight for Megatron? His leadership will only lead to the destruction of all life until everything is consumed by fire; there won't be anything left to rule over"

Predaking thought over her words for a moment before he lifted his face so that he could look at her now instead of looking away "I fight for him because he is the one that will bring more of my brethren into this world because I would not be here otherwise"

Shade shook her head seeing that his intentions seems to be misplaced "He was the one that could give you more predacons but by the looks of things I seem to be the only one that can help you there" again he remained silent. The conflict in him arising as he was now in the place where he would have to face it. "I'm sorry for your loss, I really am but can't you see that they would have been used as Megatrons puppets like the rest of you are being used. You say that you want to avoid fighting then believe me to avoid the death of another planet we had to do it...too much as already been lost"

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