The Beginning

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Min Yoonji walked swiftly down the filthy alleyway, her heels clicking rhythmically as she glanced around to look for the door that opened up to her company. 

After walking a little further she discovered a homeless bum sitting right in front of the door. 

"Move you bum." She commanded, fixing him with an icy glare. The man glanced up at her.

"Sorry lady but this is my spot. If you're looking for somewhere to stay then you better find another place." He grumbled, picking up his grimy beer bottle and taking a swig from it.

 As quick as a viper Min Yoonji pulled out her gun and shot the bum in the head. Blood splattered onto the walls and the man's body slumped over, his beer bottle dropping and cracking on the ground. Min Yoonji dragged the body over to a large dumpster and then proceeded to enter in. 

Once inside, Min Yoonji dropped her coat on her office chair and walked over to the meeting room, ignoring all of the friendly welcomes from the staff. She slammed open the door as rudely as possible, interrupting her boss who gave her a disapproving look. 

"Sorry I'm late boss, I had to stay after at school to help clean up the mess from the school assembly." Min Yoonji explained, plopping down into her meeting chair and starting her trigonometry homework. 

"Sometimes I wonder why I hired a high schooler to assist this company." The boss sighed, shaking his head. 

"This is why." Min Yoonji answered, pulling out her gun and shooting the targets in the back, hitting the heart area of all seven. 

"Now I remember." The boss chuckled, hiding his nervousness. Min Yoonji put away her gun and sat back down, continuing her homework. 

"Well anyway, before I was so rudely interrupted, I'd like to say thank you to all the members of this company for their hard work and I'd like to bring to your attention the new assignments posted outside the meeting room. Lastly, if you find any others interested in joining this company you can gladly take them here to sign up. We need as many willing assassins as possible." The boss purred smoothly, giving the employees an eerie grin. 

"This meeting is dismissed." He finished, standing up and walking swiftly out of the room. 

Min Yoonji scoffed and shoved her homework into her bag, irritated the boss had summoned them all for announcements and a few measly cases. She stood up and walked briskly out of the room, stopping in front of the assignments to sign up for three major cases and then grabbed her coat, exiting the building back into the unsanitary alleyway. Quickly she ran out of the alleyway and headed home. 

Once she arrived home something immediately stopped her in her tracks, the door was open just a crack.

 Min Yoonji growled and took out her gun, opening the door quietly before yelling. "I KNOW YOU'RE IN HERE! COME OUT BEFORE I HUNT YOU DOWN!"

 The house stayed silent for a few minutes, until someone started walking down the stairs. Min Yoonji cocked her gun and aimed at the stranger as they descended. 

Deadly love-Min Yoonji x Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now