Class President

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The next morning while she was in high school, Min Yoonji couldn't get the bunny assassin out of her head, wondering why he was assigned to kill her and not some business tycoon. So to try and figure out some answers, Min Yoonji quickly created a list of why someone would want to kill her on the back of her papers. 

While she was busy listing reasons the class president, Park Jimin, suddenly appeared by her side. 

"What are you writing Yoonji Noona?" He asked sweetly, peering over her shoulder. 

"My suicide note." Yoonji deadpanned, tucking the papers into her binder.

 "What! Yoonji Noona you can't! Everyone would be devastated! I love you so please don't do it!" Jimin pleaded, tears already starting to form in his chocolate brown eyes as he gripped desperately onto her blazer.

 "Cheer up kid! I was only joking!" Yoonji chuckled, wiping away a tear that had escaped from Jimin's eye. 

"Please Noona, don't joke about that again." Jimin pleaded, grabbing her shoulders gently. 

"Alright, I promise." Yoonji assured him, squirming under his serious gaze.

 "Good. Right now I have to finish my trigonometry homework, so I'll see you at lunch Yoonji Noona!" Jimin declared, giving her a quick hug and walking back to his desk. 

Yoonji smiled discreetly for a few minutes before packing up and checking her phone. 

Upon checking her notifications she discovered that her manager had texted her to meet him at the company to introduce her to a new assassin, who was supposed to be her partner. 

Yoonji balked at the message, fury building up inside of her. She was a top level assassin! Not a stupid babysitter for trainees! So in a fit of rage, Yoonji shoved her phone into her bag and stormed out of the classroom to go meet her new burden. 

Deadly love-Min Yoonji x Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now