The New Boss

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Once inside she was greeted by the bunny's teasing mask.

 "You look horrible!" He stated, leaning lazily on her desk. 

"Shut up! You probably look just as horrible under that mask!" Yoonji growled back in reply, setting her backpack down and analyzing him with her cat like eyes.

 "How do you know? I'd never reveal myself to the likes of you!" Jungkook joked, gently cupping her cheek. Yoonji rolled her eyes and smacked his hand away.

 "Don't do that." She murmured tiredly. 

Jungkook just laughed musically and continued to bother her by stroking his hands through her hair. 

"You're just tired Yoonji Noona~" He purred, taking advantage of her sleepy state by braiding her hair. 

"Now you have manners? What happened to you?" Yoonji muttered, giving in to the bunny's gentle touch. Jungkook smiled. 

"Let's just say, I know something you don't." He teased, tying up the braid and stepping back to admire his hard work. Yoonji's heart immediately stopped and she sat up quick. 

"What are you talking about Jungkook?" She asked fiercely, even though her shaky voice betrayed her. 

"Chill out Yoonji Noona! I was just going to tell you that the boss was assassinated!" The bunny explained, tilting his head and giving her a queer look. Yoonji immediately relaxed and sank back down into her chair. 

"Don't scare me like that Jungkook. I almost thought it was something important." Yoonji scoffed, pulling out her phone to check her grades. 

"Now that he's dead, who's going to take his place?" Yoonji questioned the bunny while squinting unhappily at her chemistry grade, willing to change the grade from a D to a B plus. 

"Well the boss has a cousin who's willing to take over the company. His name is Kim Taehyung but I heard he's gay." The bunny snickered, leaning lazily on Yoonji's chair and peering over her shoulder. 

"Oh wonderful, another wack job to run the company. Just when we had gotten rid of the first one." Yoonji sneered, quickly hiding her grades before the bunny could see them. 

Just then, through the side door burst the new boss. Completely adorned in a beautiful pink chiffon dress with killer high heels. 

"Hello workers! My name is Kim Taehyung as you already may know and I will be your new boss from here on out. First, I'd like to clear up any rumors you may have heard about me. Yes I am gay, No my heels are not Louis Vuitton, and I am credited to be here and anyone who disagrees with me will be shot and killed in the most gruesome way you could ever imagine." Taehyung finished, giving them all a sweet grin before walking through the desks and stopping at Yoonji's. 

"Min Yoonji. A word?" He commanded walking ahead of her as his dress swished scantily. Yoonji groaned and stood up to follow the new boss. 

"Good luck~" Jungkook purred, giving her a pat on the back. Yoonji growled at him and flipped him the bird before going into the meeting room where Taehyung sat staring her up and down. 

"What did you need me for boss?" She asked, crossing her arms and staring up at him with no fear. 

"I was wondering, since you are the top assassin of the company, would you mind helping me get acquainted with the duties and schedules?" He asked sheepishly, flashing her a cute boxy grin. Yoonji's chest warmed from the praise but she kept it hidden.

 "Certainly." she agreed, walking over to him to glance over the schedules and assignments he held in his shaking hands. 

"I'm so glad you're here! I am so scared to take over this company! These people are trained killers and could assassinate me at anytime!" Taehyung babbled nervously, glancing up at Yoonji for advice. 

"They could assassinate you if they wanted to, but you did the right thing by asserting your dominance. Around these idiots you need to seem firm and in control, and you did just that. Just keep it up and they'll start to respect you." Yoonji advised, giving the boss a pat on the back. He breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Yeah you're right. But can you still stay here and help me deal with this first obligation?" Taehyung asked, giving her puppy dog eyes. Yoonji sighed. 

"Yes, just call him in so we can get this over with." She insisted, pulling up a chair to sit beside him. 

"Yay! Alright, Tetsuya bring in Seungri!" Taehyung demanded over the intercom. 

Deadly love-Min Yoonji x Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now