Acting Up

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The next day, Yoonji and Jungkook woke up early to prepare for their roles. Jungkook dressed up as a T.V. news reporter. 

He wore a handsome gray pinstriped suit with glasses. His look was complete with a microphone and a camera so the rich couple truly bought the act. 

Yoonji, on the other hand, was at the complete opposite end of the spectrum. She was dressed as a poor homeless lady. Her outfit was a ragged dress covered in grime, her face and body were also covered with dirt marks and she had packets of fake blood in her pockets to use when the time was right. 

After getting dressed, Yoonji and Jungkook walked down to the rich couple's house, arriving at lunchtime. Before ringing the bell Yoonji poured the fake blood down her forehead and across her chest. Then she sunk down to her knees, winking at Jungkook to let him know she was ready. Jungkook nodded and rang the doorbell. A distinguished looking butler answered the door. 

"And who may you two be?" He asked, glancing them up and down with a disgusted look on his face. Jungkook panted. 

"Please! You have to help me! I found this poor lady on the side of the road! She says that she was attacked by gang members and her wounds are bleeding badly!" He declared, anxiety and worry beautifully displayed on his face. The butler cringed.

 "Let me ask the Mr and Mrs." He stated reluctantly, heading back inside. Suddenly, the rich couple appeared at the door. The woman let out a gasp at Yoonji's condition. 

"Oh my! Darling she looks hideous!" She hissed to her husband. Her husband glanced them up and down suspiciously. 

"Who are you young man?" He asked, crossing his arms. Jungkook let out an exasperated sigh. 

"My name is Jeon Jungkook sir! I come from the channel four news station and I just happened to stumble upon this poor lady! I'll be putting this on the news once I get back to the station!" Jungkook explained, pushing up his glasses. The rich couple's eyes lit up at a chance to be on the news.

 "Why of course! Come inside!" The husband insisted, holding the door open for them. Yoonji nodded her head shakily. 

"Thank you kind sir!" She murmured weakly, leaning heavily on Jungkook for dramatic effect. 

Once inside, Jungkook insisted on cleaning her wounds and after 'patching her up' in the bathroom they went back out into the living room where the rich couple stood waiting. 

"My you poor darling! You must have suffered so much!" The wife shuddered, her eyes filling with fake concern. Yoonji nodded. 

"Y-yes! It was terrifying! They told me to give them money but I didn't have any with me! So they beat me up and left me on the road." She stammered, wiping at her eyes to get rid of the tears that were forming. The butler sniffed in contempt.

 "If you'll excuse me I'll be on my lunch break!" He sneered, grabbing his lunch and heading out onto the balcony. 

"Well my darlings, if you want we could make you some lunch?" The wife offered, smiling pitifully. Yoonji shook her head before keeling over onto the floor. 

"Oh my! Are you okay?" The wife asked, heading over to her side. Yoonji smirked up at her deviously. 

"Of course!" She assured her just as Jungkook smashed her head in with a mallet. The wife crumpled to the floor, her crimson blood leaking out onto the plush white carpet. The husband stood there in shock, his face frozen just as Jungkook smashed his head in as well. Yoonji smirked and grinned up at Jungkook. 

"Nice work~" she purred, standing up to kiss his cheek. Jungkook smiled back. 

"Thanks~ Now let's hurry and grab the money before the butler comes in. If he does we'll kill him anyway." Jungkook explained, glancing around hurriedly before heading to their bedroom to collect jewels and other valuables. Yoonji nodded and followed behind him, shoving a few valuables in her purse as well. 

Once they had grabbed all they could carry they hurried into the living room where the butler was waiting for them. A smart look on his face.

 "Why are you smiling dumb ass!" Yoonji barked, aiming her gun at him. 

"Oh nothing, just that you saved me a lot of trouble." He remarked, giving them an evil look. 

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked, giving the butler a worried glance. 

"Well I'll tell you. I know all about your stupid plans! I used to work in the assassin industry too until the cops took me in. Now I work as a backstabber taking in assassins who do wrong for my own freedom!" The butler cackled.

 "I hope you enjoy prison!" He scoffed, waving them goodbye. 

Yoonji and Jungkook looked at him in shock as piercing sirens were heard outside. A voice suddenly came crackling over the radio system.

"Come out with your hands up!" The voice commanded. Jungkook looked over at Yoonji, his eyes wide with fright and his skin deathly pale.

 "What do we do now Yoonji?" He whispered, his whole body starting to tremble. Yoonji looked up at him with a defeated look. 

"We have to go." She muttered, a pained expression on her face. Jungkook looked down at the ground and let out a soft whimper.

After waiting a few minutes Yoonji and Jungkook went out with their hands up. The cops took them gratefully and shoved them into the back of the cop car, taking them back to the police station where they were put into a holding cell.

Deadly love-Min Yoonji x Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now