This Is Serious!

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Upon entering, Yoonji noticed the first person she didn't expect to see at a strip club. He turned to meet her gaze and his dumb face immediately lit up with joy. 

"Yoonji Noona! What are you doing here?" He asked, walking over to her with his hands tucked into his pockets. 

"Nothing. I'm here on business and I don't need you getting in my way Kim Namjoon!" Yoonji growled hiding her gun in her jacket pocket.

 "Who's this?" Jungkook inquired, taking off his mask and glaring angrily at Namjoon. Yoonji gazed at Jungkook's features in shock but quickly recovered herself. 

"No one. He's a classmate at my school." She explained tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. 

"More like boyfriend am I right?" Namjoon insisted sticking out his tongue and fist pumping the air. Yoonji glared at him in disgust. 

"No way. I would rather burn in hell!" She spat, pretending to be sick. Jungkook perked up at this and held Yoonji against him in a territorial manner.

 "You heard her! Now move you asshole!" He snapped placing his mask back onto his face. Namjoon gazed sadly at the ground. 

"Do you really not like me Yoonji Noona?" He sniffled glancing up at her face to give her a puppy dog look.

 "Yes! Now please leave us alone!" Yoonji demanded, grabbing Jungkook by the arm and leading him towards Hyunjae. 

"You love me! I know you do!" Namjoon called sadly after her before returning back to the bar. 

Yoonji and Jungkook watched Hyunjae from a nearby table while he laughed and flipped his cotton candy pink colored hair seductively, drawing in many customers to his table. 

"So how are we going to kill him?" Jungkook whispered, leaning forward to hear Yoonji's reply.

 "I was thinking about waiting until he finishes performing, then you can go over and seduce him and lead him into the alley next door. You can leave the rest up to me." Yoonji replied, an evil grin coming across her face. 

"Seduce him!? How?" Jungkook protested glancing over at Hyunjae.

 "I don't know! Take off your mask! You were so eager to reveal yourself to Namjoon!" Yoonji scoffed crossing her arms over her chest sassily. Jungkook smirked.

 "Are you jealous?" He teased leaning forward and grabbing Yoonji's hands. Yoonji snorted and pulled her hands away. 

"I most certainly am not!" She mumbled giving him a dirty look. 

" Yeah sure, whatever you say!" Jungkook joked smiling sweetly at her under his mask. Yoonji rolled her eyes and slouched lazily in the leather chair.

 She suddenly noticed Hyunjae pocketing the cash he received and putting on his fur coat, preparing to leave. 

"Look! He's getting ready to leave! Now's your chance, go and seduce him!" Yoonji hissed gesturing towards the stripper. 

Jungkook groaned but still got up and followed Hyunjae to the door.

 "Excuse me sir, I think you dropped this~" Jungkook purred, holding out a hundred dollar bill he had stolen from one of the tables. Hyunjae turned to spot the money. 

"Why, thank you so much! How could I ever repay you?" He breathed, seductively taking the money from Jungkook to draw him in. Jungkook whisked off his mask. 

"Actually, there is one way." He declared, leaning closer to Hyunjae to whisper the terms of his reward. Hyunjae shivered, visibly aroused. 

"Of course. Just rent a hotel and I'm yours~" He whimpered, gently biting Jungkook's earlobe. 

Jungkook let out a small sigh of pleasure and cheekily grabbed Hyunjae's ass while leading him out into the alley. 

Once Hyunjae realized they were out in the alley and not anywhere near a hotel his face took on a look of confusion. 

"Aren't we going to get a hotel?" He asked glancing up at Jungkook, who slowly placed the bunny mask onto his face to hide his features. 

Out of the darkness of the alley Hyunjae heard footsteps and he turned around, spotting a small deadly looking school girl coming towards him with a gun.

 "Who are you!?" Hyunjae shouted hysterically, clinging onto Jungkook for protection. The girl smiled viciously. 

"An assassin!" She hissed before running over to the defenseless stripper, pinning him to the ground while holding a gun against his temple. 

Hyunjae was able to get out one last cry before Yoonji blew his brains out. 

"Kind of sad we had to kill him. He would have made such a great boy toy." Jungkook joked, wiping the spattered blood off his mask. Yoonji rolled her eyes. 

"Did he manage to turn you gay?" She scoffed, leaning over the body to examine for any signs of life before pulling out her phone to contact Taehyung. 

"No. I love you too much." Jungkook replied smoothly, walking behind Yoonji and kissing her cheek tenderly. Yoonji's face flushed pink but she ignored him as Taehyung had answered her call.

"Taehyung, we finished the job. The body is at North Anderson Alleyway number 37. I'll be heading home early, so you can pay me once I get into work tomorrow. Love you boo!" Yoonji ended the call with a few kisses before starting to walk home to her mother's apartment. 

"Why do you love him more than me!" Jungkook complained following her home. Yoonji sighed. 

"I never said I loved him more than you!" She retorted, walking a bit faster trying to get away from the obsessive bunny.

 "Then prove you love me more than him!" He barked grabbing onto her shoulder. 

Yoonji growled, turned around and grabbed him by the shirt and after throwing his mask to the ground passionately connected their lips. Jungkook let out a small hum of pleasure before delving deeper into her mouth, trying to explore every nook and cranny before she pushed him away. Yoonji herself was so enticed she almost got carried away in the heat of the moment, before snapping out of it and struggling out of Jungkook's grasp. 

"There! Are you satisfied?" Yoonji panted, wiping away some of Jungkook's saliva that rested on her lower lip. 

"For now~" Jungkook teased seductively, letting out a small laugh as Yoonji stormed off. Her face turning bright red at the realization of what she just did.

Deadly love-Min Yoonji x Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now