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A few minutes later Seungri walked in, looking rather pissed at being interrupted. 

"What did you call me for?" He demanded, staring coldly at Taehyung. 

"According to my list, it's says that you have been going to strip clubs and wasting your time while at the company. We can't have slackers can we?" Taehyung replied, raising an eyebrow precariously. 

"No." Seungri muttered angrily. 

"So if you don't leave the company peacefully, I will be forced to resort to violent methods." Taehyung threatened, studying his nails boredly. Seungri's eyes flashed. 

"I don't have to listen to you gay boy! Why don't you come down here so I can beat your ass!" He retorted, starting to walk over to Taehyung and Yoonji. Yoonji took out her gun and pointed it at his forehead. 

"If you don't stop Seungri, I'll be forced to shoot!" She hissed, stepping in front of Taehyung to defend him. Seungri scoffed and continued walking. 

"Go ahead!" He taunted, suddenly rushing for her. Yoonji snarled and ran at him, their two bodies colliding violently before landing harshly on the floor. 

While Yoonji was still regaining her senses, Seungri pulled a knife out and started stabbing at her. Yoonji miraculously dodged most of his deadly blows but he still managed to give her a few gashes here and there. 

Yoonji then punched Seungri directly in his solar plexus, causing him to wheeze painfully before she finished him off by elbowing him in between the shoulder blades. Seungri keeled on the floor sucking in shaky breaths and coughing. Yoonji put her foot on his back to pin him to the ground.

 "Yes Yoonji! You go girl!" Taehyung cheered, clapping vigorously for his queen. Yoonji turned to him and broke out into a gummy grin. But at that moment Seungri regained his strength and grabbed Yoonji's leg, pulling her to the ground and pressing the knife against her throat. 

"Cut the bullshit Yoonji! What makes you think you're strong enough to beat me!" Seungri spat, leaning in closer and pressing the knife harder into her delicate porcelain neck. Yoonji gasped and used her free hand to hit him hard in the nuts, causing him to loosen his grip and grasp for his nutsack. 

Yoonji used this distraction to drive the knife into his chest. Seungri stared down at the knife sticking out of his chest and glanced back up at Yoonji, giving her an eerie grin.

 "I'll see you in hell Yoonji." He sighed before closing his eyes and slumping forward onto her. Yoonji recoiled and scooted back from the freshly deceased corpse, her hand reaching up to her neck and coming back covered in crimson blood. Suddenly, the door burst open and the bunny rushed in. 

"What's going on in here?!" He exclaimed, glancing at the scene in dismay. 

"Yoonji Noona! Are you okay?!" He asked, rushing over to her side to examine the wound on her throat. 

"I'm fine!" Yoonji snapped turning away from Jungkook and staring at Taehyung, silently asking for permission to leave. Taehyung nodded in response and pointed towards the door. 

"Head down to the company's nurse. He'll treat your wound." He advised wisely. 

Yoonji nodded and slowly stood up, her legs trembling slightly as she brushed past the bunny. 

"Yoonji wait!" Jungkook protested, concerned for her even though she pushed him away. 

"Jungkook it's better to give her space right now." Taehyung insisted, placing a hand on Jungkook's shoulder to hold him back. 

Jungkook sighed but listened to the bosses instructions, staying behind to listen to what had just conspired in the meeting room. 

Deadly love-Min Yoonji x Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now