Captain Sunshine

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#This is smut scene!!! Young viewers and people who don't want to read beware!!!

The next few days passed by quickly thanks to Jin and Hoseok's expert sailing. But, Yoonji was beginning to feel slightly crazy from being cooped up on the boat for a week with nowhere to explore except the upper and lower deck. 

So she walked into the bow where Jin and Hoseok were solely focused on the sea. Yoonji knocked on the door to let them know she was there and they both jumped and turned to see who had disturbed the silence. 

"What is it Yoonji?" Jin croaked, trying to regain his composure. Yoonji sat down huffily in the extra chair they kept for guests. 

"How many more days do we have to be on this boat?" She complained, crossing her arms over her chest. Hoseok turned to her with a smile that would melt hearts. 

"Just four more days! You can be patient right Yoonji Noona?" He teased, before turning his attention back to the map. Yoonji groaned. 

"But it's so boring! There's nothing to do here!" She babbled, attempting to keep her sanity. 

"Go talk to your boyfriend! He'll keep you entertained!" Jin snorted, unfazed by her childish complaining. Yoonji growled. 

"He's sleeping! I don't want to wake him!" She retaliated, getting up and leaning on Jin's chair. 

"Well go find something to do!" Jin scolded her, pouting angrily while looking out at the ocean. Yoonji scoffed. 

"Never mind. I'll just talk to sunshine here instead!" She remarked going over to Hobi to lean on his chair instead, causing him to look up at her sweetly. 

"How are you doing?" She asked, leaning towards him and stroking his hair.

 "I'm doing good. How are you?" He gushed leaning towards her hand so she could stroke his hair better. Jin's eyes narrowed. 

"Back off Yoonji! Only I get to do that!" He commanded, gripping the steering wheel tightly. Yoonji smirked. 

"Whatever you say captain!" She said in a sing song tone before pulling her hand away, much to Hobi's disappointment. 

"Come over here honey~" Jin purred, gesturing for Hobi to come over and lay his head on Jin's lap. Hobi's smile widened and he laid his head on Jin's lap, getting his hair stroked by Jin while he continued steering with one hand. Yoonji pouted. 

"Aww man. You two are so cute together!" She whispered, glancing down at the floor. Hobi gazed up at her, his eyes glazed over with sleepiness. 

"Go see your boyfriend Yoonji Noona! I bet he's waiting for you!" He murmured before closing his eyes. Yoonji smiled. 

"He's right. I'll see you at dinner time Jin!" She exclaimed before running out of the bow and heading back to her room. Jin chuckled. 

"You little matchmaker!" He teased, leaning down to press a kiss to Hoseok's cheek. Hobi giggled and pressed his face against Jin's stomach playfully. 

Once back at her room, Yoonji took a deep breath before opening the door. Only to discover a naked Jungkook. 

"Well I guess we're skipping first base and second base entirely right?" She joked, glancing his toned body up and down sensually. Jungkook's cheeks flushed bright red. 

"Yoonji Noona stop staring!" He barked, throwing a pillow at her. Yoonji scoffed. 

"Stop being a baby!" She growled in return, taking a few steps closer until they were face-to-face. 

"I-I'm not a baby!" Jungkook protested, glancing down at her ice cold eyes.

 "Well you better prove it before I make you my bitch!" Yoonji declared, glancing down at his privates and back up at him cockily. Jungkook stood there silently for a few seconds before pushing her on the bed and crawling on top of her. 

"You can't make me your bitch!" He scoffed, his eyes mirroring her cold ones as he began biting and sucking on her neck. 

Yoonji bit her lip to try and prevent any sound from coming out but eventually failed once Jungkook found her sweet spot and viciously attacked it. Yoonji let out a loud moan and Jungkook smirked, suddenly pulling her shirt over her head. 

"This'll teach you not to tease me again!" He warned her before kissing and biting a trail of kisses down to her sweatpants pulling them off swiftly, leaving Yoonji in her cherry patterned undergarments. Jungkook smiled. 

"Cute pair of panties. Of course they'd look much better on the floor." He murmured, tugging them down around her ankles. Yoonji's face was bright red and she glanced away from him out of embarrassment. Jungkook looked up at her and noticed her discomfort. 

"Baby look at me~" He prompted softly. Yoonji glanced up at him and crossed her arms bashfully. 

"You're beautiful." He assured her before connecting their lips passionately

Yoonji was immediately spellbound and pulled Jungkook closer, savoring the sweet bond they had developed. After reassuring her with kisses Jungkook pulled away. 

"Are you sure you want me to do this?" He breathed, cupping her face gently. Yoonji nodded. 

"Just remember to use protection!" She spluttered running her fingers down his toned biceps. Jungkook laughed. 

"Of course!" He assured her, getting off of the bed to root through his bag for a condom.

 After Jungkook had put on the condom he got on top of Yoonji again and lined himself up, pushing himself inside of her. Yoonji let out a soft gasp as the pleasure came in sensations all through her body.

 "D-don't stop!" She whined, pressing against him. 

Jungkook let out small grunts as he pounded into her, making sure to hit her sweet spot every time. The pleasure Yoonji felt was so intense that she actually began to cry, tears dripped down her flushed cheeks as she trembled.

 Her tough exterior crumbled to reveal how vulnerable and needy she actually was. After a while Jungkook finally came and after tying up the used condom he laid down next to Yoonji. 

"Thank you." She whimpered cuddling up next to him, tear stains present on her cheeks. Jungkook smiled. 

"No problem. I love you baby. Don't you ever forget it!" Jungkook reassured her, leaning over to kiss her forehead. Yoonji smiled her cute gummy smile and they once again drifted to sleep. 

Deadly love-Min Yoonji x Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now