My Bunny Lies Over the Ocean

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After Jungkook and Yoonji had finished packing they met up at the dock to wait for Jin's ferry to arrive. A few minutes passed and Jin still hadn't shown up. Yoonji groaned and tapped her foot impatiently. 

"What is taking him so long?" She complained looking at her phone and then back out at the horizon. Jungkook laughed. 

"Give him some time. He'll be here soon." He mumbled reassuringly. Yoonji looked up at him quickly and then back down at the dock. 

"Since we have some time, I might as well ask you a question that's been bothering me." Yoonji blurted, stroking her hair nervously. Jungkook lifted up his mask and turned his full attention to her. 

"Ask away." He drawled, giving her a cute bunny smile. Yoonji bit her bottom lip but then looked up at him with determination.

 "What are we?" She mumbled fiddling with the hem of her shirt instead. Jungkook tilted his head, a confused look passing over his face for an instant before he looked up at her confidently.

 "People!" He exclaimed, giving her a proud look. Yoonji gave him a dirty look. 

"What? No! I meant are we in a relationship or not!" She hissed, punching his shoulder gently. Jungkook looked dazed for a second before laughing gleefully. 

"Would you like to be in a relationship with me?" He asked, his smile so sweet it was almost sickening. Yoonji blushed and looked up at him shyly.

 "Yeah. I'd like that." She gushed, giving him a soft gummy smile. Jungkook's cheeks flushed a light pink. 

"You're adorable. You know that right?" He whispered, starstruck by her angelic behavior. Yoonji sighed happily.

 "Come here!" She mumbled, pulling him forward by his shirt and pressing her lips to his. 

Yoonji felt heat rush up to her cheeks as Jungkook pulled her closer and threaded his fingers through her hair. An intoxicating feeling came over her as she was almost swallowed up by Jungkook's love and passion. They were both so caught up in the moment that they didn't notice Jin arriving at the dock until he blasted the horn. Jungkook and Yoonji leaped away from each other, both panting and out of breath as Jin waved to them. 

"Hello lovebirds! Your handsome captain has arrived!" Jin shouted to them, lowering the ramp so they could walk aboard. 

Yoonji and Jungkook looked at each other and broke out into laughter, intertwining their hands and walking on to meet up with Jin.

Jin told them that with the speed of the boat they would arrive in a few days or less. Then he showed them to their room. 

"I assumed you two would like to sleep together, so I set up a queen sized bed so you'll both have enough room." Jin explained, patting both of them on the back.  

After showing them the rest of the boat Jin told them that he would cook and prepare the meals while his co-captain Hoseok would man the ship. Yoonji smiled. 

"This is wonderful Jin. Thank you so much!" She breathed stepping forward to give the tall man a hug. Jin smiled and pet her head sweetly.

 "You're welcome Yoonji. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to Hoseok. He gets bored without me!" Jin explained, giving Jungkook a knowing nod and heading back to the captain's section of the boat. Yoonji turned to glance seductively at Jungkook.

 "Do you want to sleep with me?" She asked, sitting down on the pillowy blanket and patting the spot next to her. Jungkook froze like a deer in the headlights. 

"You mean like...." He trailed off, his face turning tomato red. Yoonji laughed.

 "No not yet!" She teased, taking off her jacket and snuggling under the blankets. Jungkook let out a sigh of relief and pulled off his pants before snuggling under with her. Yoonji let out a small squeak when Jungkook's large body enveloped hers but eventually she relaxed into his warmth and they both started to fall asleep. The gentle waves lulling them to dream.

Deadly love-Min Yoonji x Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now