Bunny boy

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Once she arrived at the company, she immediately spotted her manager and strode towards him angrily. 

"Good evening Yoonji. I hope my text message didn't interrupt your class." He managed to say before Yoonji grabbed the front of his shirt harshly.

 "Listen here Tetsuya! I didn't sign up to be a babysitter!" She growled, staring at him menacingly. Tetsuya only rolled his eyes and removed her hands from his shirt. 

"I know that. That's why the boss and I decided to sign you up with someone more experienced." He purred, walking her into the meeting room. 

Inside the meeting room stood the male with the bunny mask, his back was facing her but Yoonji knew it was him by his shape. 

"I'm not working with him! That brat tried to assassinate me!" Yoonji exploded, her cheeks flushing pink with rage. Upon hearing her voice the bunny turned around and gasped.

 "I-I don't want to work with her either! She almost strangled me!" The bunny complained, his voice suddenly becoming timid in her wake. Tetsuya chuckled.

 "At least you both know each other's capabilities. Now introduce yourselves and agree on an assignment to do. I'm a very busy man and I have other meetings scheduled that are far more important than this one." He stated coldly, giving them both a murderous stare before walking out. 

Min Yoonji growled angrily before turning her gaze on the bunny, who cowered meekly under her stare.

 "Just so we're clear, if you get in the way I won't hesitate to kill you bunny boy. You got that?" She growled, turning to go back to the board and inspect the assignments.

 "Wait! How can we work together if we don't even know each other's names?" The bunny inquired, tilting his head curiously. 

"Well if you were assigned to kill me you should have remembered my name!" Yoonji snapped, an angry vein popping out in her forehead. 

"Oh right! It was Yoonji!" The bunny realized, bouncing on his feet happily. 

"That's Yoonji Noona to you brat!" She snarled, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"Now tell me your name." She commanded, silently gazing him up and down. 

"My name is Jungkook. Now can we pick an assignment and get this over with?" He complained, adjusting the sniper on his back. 

"The sooner the better." Yoonji agreed, picking an assignment and heading out of the company with Jungkook in tow.

Deadly love-Min Yoonji x Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now