Chapter 4

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Loud knocking combined with the deafening doorbell wakes me up. I try to open my eyes, but as soon as light hits them, it feels like they are pierced by daggers. I shut them again.

I could not get a good night of sleep. I kept shifting in and out of sleep. My back is stiff, it feels like I've slept on rocks. I allow myself to lie in bed for a few more moments before the buzzing and the knocking rain on my front door again. 

I get up and put on my black satin dressing gown before making my way down the stairs and to the front door.  Who could be this early in the morning, on Sunday? Probably Serena since she must have sent me hundreds of messages and I answered none. 

But what if it's him? My heart beats faster and faster the closer I get to the door.  Goosebumps form everywhere on my skin. It's like my body recognizes something my mind has yet to uncover. 

I peek through the peephole and my eyes go wide and my limbs melt. I gasp as the knock comes again. On the other side of the door an irritated Matteo holds a box in his hand and waits for the door to open. It looks like waiting at my door is the last thing he would rather do.

"I know you're there, Elena. I've heard your footsteps."  he says, leaning closer to the door.

Crap! Why is he here? Is that a bomb in his hand?

"I'm not letting you inside!"

"I'm just here to deliver this thing, not have breakfast with you." he sounds irritated. "I'm sure Luca would have my balls if that'd be the case, anyway." he says more to himself but I hear him due to my poor excuse of a door. I'm sure he could break it if he wanted to. 

Maybe it's time to stop being a chicken and face my fears. But it's so damn hard to face them when they carry black shiny guns, and devastating smiles. These guys got off on fear. I don't want to fuel their demented urges. 

"Put the box down and take two steps back." I try to put as much authority in my voice as possible. 

"Are you serious?"

"Do it if you want to deliver that box."

I watch his moves through the peephole. He puts the box on the porch, next to the door, while shaking his head and barely containing a smile. When he takes the two steps I want, I open the door and meet his gaze. He holds mine for a second before taking in my outfit. I tie the cord faster on the thin layer of my dressing gown, but his eyes continue to descend over my naked legs. His examination makes me feel exposed, intimidated and annoyed at the same time. 

"What's in there?"

His eyes meet mine, again, and he shrugs "A peace offering. He gave it to me and told me to deliver it to you."

"It's a bomb, isn't it?" my stupid mouth goes off before I can stop it and he smiles. For real this time.

"If he wanted you dead I wouldn't have knocked. You wouldn't have even seen me coming." That sends a cold shiver down my spine and reminds me, once again, that this man is a cold hearted killer. 

"This is your idea of peace offering?!" 

He does scare me, but at the same time I feel an equal amount of anger towards him. No, not him. Towards his boss. 

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