Chapter 13

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@Pluizje this one is for you. Thank you!    


I stand back, leaning on the hard steel door. The room is chilly, walls of bricks and concrete fence us in, and trap Bonetti's screams of agony. He's torn in pieces, literally. My brothers and me saw to that. All fingers from his right hand are missing. Well, not really. I merely changed their anatomical position. They hang from his neck now.

He didn't want to give up information about who he's working for and with. Too bad I already knew it's Castellano. That kind of misplaced loyalty, and arrogance earned him a useless hand. I cut his fingers one by one, the blood darting all over the floor. The essence of his pathetic life draining out of him, accompanied by his screeches of pain.This is my kind of music.

He was tied to a chair, hands and legs both. Even though he was immobile, he screamed like a bitch, and he cried his lungs out. When I displayed his fingers on the floor, for him to admire them, his blood wasn't the only red thing in the room, anymore. His neck and face turned red, and his eyes opened wide. I grabbed the duct tape and I taped his mouth shut. Not a second after that he emptied his stomach in his own mouth. Even for a criminal, seeing parts of you being cut off isn't a nice feeling. I let him struggle for his life. What a pitiful way to die, choked on your own vomit. Suitable for a rat like him. When his face started turning purple, I ripped the tape off his mouth and he threw himself forward, vomit and blood hitting the floor.

I tried not to cause any damage that won't benefit me. He was used to pain, but no man could stand to see pieces of him scattered around a room. So I took from him, like he tried to take from me. With pieces of his body, I took bits of information I needed.

We cut a body part from him every day until he would tell me what I want to hear. Three days ago it was his ear, the next day his fingers, and today his left eye. It was Gio who stole the show. Although, with the infection he contacted, I doubt he has much to live. Gio better extract some information, or his death will be useless for us, just like the life he lived so far.

I watched him take in his favorite knives, deciding which one to use. He surprised me when he picked up a rather small one, with a long tapered blade. When he looked at me with his deranged smile on his face, and bright eyes, I knew he was set to have fun, which however, was bad news for Bonetti. He enjoyed this a little too much. We all like torturing moutherfuckers who think they're better than us, but he likes it way too much. There is definitely something wrong with him. Sometimes he even makes me question his sanity.

Bonetti kept giving us the finger any time we'd ask something. When Gio finally got sick of his disrespect, he stabbed his left eyes, out of nowhere. He even took me by surprise. Despite Bonetti's screams of agony, Gio kept carving out his fucking eyeball. When he was done, he was covered in red, and the eyeball had no longer a ball shape. It was just a bloody object covered in freshly cut muscle.

I can still hear those screams, screeches of agony, his face and neck covered in blood. He dies today, that much is clear. I was hoping I could drag on torturing him for a little while longer, but what's the point? If, after what Gio did to him he still won't give me the information we needed, nothing will make him talk.

After Gio wiped his hands clean we left the cell, the screams were deafening. We let him cool off, revel in the pain, since he was such a tough fucker.

We returned to the cell, unfortunately the blood loss might be too much for him. He is sobbing, the blood is everywhere, and he looks a bit pale. The pain transformed his face, or maybe the ugly looking hole in his face did. His eye-socket is no longer hosting his eye, it's just a purposeless hole.

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