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-Gine Pov-

"Push" the creature hissed in a non threatening way

I growled and pushed as hard as I could. I could feel my baby girl being squeezed out of me.

I was so close to having her in this world and I knew when she came out I would love her unconditionally like my two sons.

"One more big push!" The creature hissed

I squeezed my eyes tight, along with my jaw and growled louder as I pushed with all my might.

It was quiet for a moment, then a tiny cry broke the silence.

I sighed in relief and opened my eyes slowly.

The green lizard smiled "Congratulations"

I felt tears as he handed me the crying bundle.

"Oh...my Kami.." I spoke quietly as I looked upon my newborn

"She's beautiful" I hiccuped

She looked exactly like me. Only smaller, with a tuff of hair, it was curled like that famous strand that both her father and Kakarot had.

When she opened her eyes she had her fathers shape, the sharpness to them. But what stumped me was her eyes.

They were violet.

That was highly uncommon for a Saiyan. But I loved her non the less. Plus it made her look more "exotic"

"Her name is Vi, like the human name for Violet" I spoke as she cooed at me. Talking to nobody in particular

-couple of weeks later-
Vi's hair looked like Kakarots and her fathers, however it was much longer. It's length went to about her waist. That's how it'll stay for the rest of her life.

I watched as Kakarot and Raditz hovered around their sisters rejuvenation tank.

From the corner of my eye I could see Bardock watching them very carefully.

Bardock would never admit it, but I knew as a mother and his wife that he loved Vi very much.

I would sometimes catch him holding her very close to him late at night when he thought everybody was sleeping. I would never tell him that I saw him doing it though.

I also knew that when Vi was older she would have her hands full with her brothers and her father when it will come to males.

I giggled at the thought.

Bardock must of heard me due to his eyes flicking over to me in a questioning manner.

I just smiled warmly, causing him to whip his head back with tinges of red on his cheeks

-time skip-
"Vi? What did I say about keeping your tail wrapped around your waist?" I asked the toddler who was skipping in front of me

Vi twirled around and giggled. That same personality that both me and Kakarot had.

"Um....Keep it around your waist so it won't touch anything!" She smiled, bouncing back and forth on her heels.

Some Saiyans who happened to walk by glanced at her odd behaviour. However when they saw me they just looked away not surprised.

The Saiyans are a tough warrior race. That being said, they barely showed any emotion or affection towards their young or between one another and when they did it would be praise for a "good kill." Or if they were mated.

I was not like that. I was one of the only few who cared and showed love to my children. I did not care what the others thought and a long the way people gave up thinking it was weird.

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