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-Vi's Pov-
"Push" the creature hissed in a non threatening way

I growled and pushed as hard as I could. I could feel my first born being squeezed out of me.

I was so close to having both my babies in this world and I knew when they came out I would love them unconditionally.

"One more big push!" The creature hissed

I squeezed my eyes tight, along with my jaw and growled louder as I pushed with all my might.

The green lizard smiled "Congratulations"

I felt tears as he handed me my cooing bundle.

"Oh...my Kami.." I spoke quietly as I looked upon my newborn

"She's beautiful" I hiccuped

I shut my eyes and gritted my teeth as pain started up once more.

My little girl was handed off to a nurse as I screamed and began to squeeze out my other baby

"Vi, you're almost there, push." Brock encouraged as he rubbed my head and held my hand

I bellowed and gave one more push. Sweat ran down my back and forehead as I fell back into the pillows when I felt that the pressure was removed from my legs and stomach.

There was a quick moment of silence but it was gone as soon as it came by my second babies first cries

I was handed the crying bundle

I smiled and began to cry as I stared at my baby "This ones a boy"

I heard a deep chuckle and looked away from my baby boy to see Bardock holding my little girl

He smiled genuinely as he stared at our children

Our daughter and son had Bardocks burgundy hair and my eyes. The both of them had our exotic features.

Our son inherited his grandfathers and uncle Goku's hair shape. My daughter inherited her grandmas hair shape.

I was so emotional but in a good way. I had an amazing mate and two beautiful children.


I looked up. My heart skipped a beat at the way Brock was staring down at me.

I blushed, I probably looked awful

"You're beautiful." Bardock whispered, making my thought back off

He leaned in close to my face, as he held our daughter close to his chest

"Thank you." He whispered once more before kissing my lips and leaning back

"For what?" I asked confused

He smiled and looked at me with such respect, love and adoration. He gave the same loving look to our babies, then looked back at me in my eyes.

"For giving me a family."

-The End-

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